Hey there everyone!
Courtesy of Idea Factory International, we were able to take a do an introductory Let’s Play of Mary Skelter Nightmares before the game was even released.
This series of videos goes from the start of the game and concludes at the start of Chapter 4. While we only cover about the first 1/3 of the game here, it should hopefully give you an idea as to the Nightmares that await you inside of “Jail”. That or hopefully some entertainment as I run around making obvious mistakes.
Below is a playlist featuring all 13 episodes of the journey as well as the 14th which is an opinion piece about the experience and game to that point.
If instead, you’d like to check out each post, which has some additional thoughts and notes, you can find the links to those posts below:
- Episode 01: Welcome to Jail!
- Episode 02: Exploring the Liberated District
- Episode 03: Searching the City Streets
- Episode 04: The Will to Fight
- Episode 05: Trails in the Graveyard
- Episode 06: Traps, Battles, and a Nightmare
- Episode 07: Puzzles, Plants, and Progress
- Episode 08: The Second Nightmare
- Episode 09: To the Temple! …or Not.
- Episode 10: Treasure Hunt
- Episode 11: More Temple, More Kaguya, More Confusion!
- Episode 12: The Area That Never Ends
- Episode 13: Towering Nightmare
- Episode 14 (Finale): Impressions and Final Thoughts
Also be sure to check out our interviews with Idea Factory International regarding the localization of Mary Skelter Nightmares and our interview with Atsushi Ishizuka who is the director of the game:
- Idea Factory International Talks Mary Skelter: Nightmares
- Atsushi Ishizuka (Mary Skelter: Nightmares, Dir.)
If you like the game consider pre-ordering the Limited Edition from Idea Factory International here:
US – http://www.iffysonlinestore.com/MarySkelterNightmaresLE
EU – https://store.iffyseurope.com/collections/all-products/products/mary-skelter-limited-edition
If you’d like to support Operation Rainfall you can do so by pre-ordering the game via our Amazon Affiliate link or by supporting us on Patreon
Be sure to follow us on all the things!
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