“Core” and “casual” are terms which are thrown around a lot. But what’s the difference between the two?
Tag: Nintendo
Press Release: Retro City Rampage Details & Launch Trailer
Nostalgia doesn’t begin to explain all these emotions.
Project X Zone Countdown Video #3
3 More Days!
Retro Wrap-Up: Pokemon Edition
Pokemon commercials for everybody!
Project X Zone Countdown Video #2 Released
Take a look at the second countdown video towards the Star-Crossed 3DS SRPG!
OPINION: Nintendo Turns on their Core Fans in Favor of Casual Fans? I’m Not a Gamer Ads
Is Nintendo abandoning their core fans in favor of the casual with their latest ad?
Nintendo Direct Europe Recap: Fire Emblem, Devil Survivor Time Frame Revealed
Lots of goodies for the Europeans.
Press Release: Nintendo Announces 3DS eShop Content, Including Three Guild01 Games
Nintendo of America has announced release dates for several 3DS eShop games, including three Guild01 titles.
Nintendo Download: October 4th (North America)
Hey, Nintendo of America’s giving us stuff again!
Atlus Announces Localization For Etrian Odyssey IV
Thank you based Atlus!
OPINION: The Misplaced Nature of Earlier Bayonetta 2 Complaints
Do the complaints against Nintendo and Platinum Games hold any weight?
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate 1080p Resolution Confirmed!
Monster Hunter, but in HD!
Muramasa: The Demon Blade’s Vita Debut Screenshots
An already great game becomes even better!
XSEED to Give Away Signed Copies of The Last Story
The prize to end all prizes!
Operation Rainfall Origins: Pokemon Crystal
Full color, the full experience, and ultimately full circle for the Pokemon franchise.
Retro Wrap-Up: Banjo-Kazooie Edition
Still better than Mario 64.
New Project X Zone Video Highlights Gameplay
New gameplay footage from Project X Zone has been released!
Another Story for Fire Emblem: Awakening – A Future of Despair
In Fire Emblem: Awakening’s newest DLC, will you be able to save the children from a terrible fate?
New Dragon Quest X Jobs Revealed
Be a Ranger or perhaps a Paladin
Nintendo Download: September 27th (North America)
The Denpa Men is available now, so go buy it!