If you thought Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate was just a port of Monster Hunter Tri, think again. Capcom has detailed some of the new features in the upcoming game in a Capcom-Unity blog post. The first thing they mention is that Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate will feature 73 different monsters. For those who have played […]
Tag: Capcom
Ace Attorney 5’s Kizuki Kokone Listens to Your Heart
Kizuki Kokone has the ability to listen to a witness’ heart.
Capcom & Valve Announce Resident Evil 6 X Left 4 Dead 2 Crossover
Great combination and it’s free!
Dungeons & Dragons Games are Coming to PS3 and Xbox 360
Capcom is bringing their Dungeons & Dragons arcade games to XBLA and PSN.
Apollo Justice Returns in Ace Attorney 5
Apollo’s back, baby!
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Intro Cinematic Surfaces
The intro video for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate shows off new and returning monsters, as well as various locales and characters.
Resident Evil Revelations Wii U $39.99 at Amazon
Get your scare on, for $10 cheaper!
Darkstalkers Compilation Might Be Possible
There might even be a new game, if it does well enough.
New Monster Hunter 4 Screenshot Gallery
Thar be monsters in here! Yarr!
Retro Wrap-Up: Star Fox Edition
Nope. Not saying it. Too obvious.
Mega Man USB Drive Available Next Week on the Capcom Store
Includes digital comics and art books, but, sadly, no new title.
PRESS RELEASE: Capcom to Add Cross-Region Online Multiplayer, Off-TV Play to Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Wii U
So about that 3DS version, Capcom…
We Desire Breath of Fire – Mass-posting to Capcom on March 1
NOTE: This article is from the oprainfall campaign hub, written by an independent campaign, and hosted on the oprainfall website. The opinions herein may not represent the opinions of the oprainfall website. This Friday, March 1, 2013 we will continue our campaign with a fourth mass-social media posting to renew interest in the Breath of Fire series […]
Pre-Ordering Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Will Grant Strategy Guides
Want a good start to the hunt? Pre-order now to claim your strategy guide!
Capcom Reveals Deep Down and the Panta Rhei Engine
Ono’s presence at the PlayStation 4 press conference didn’t herald the latest in Capcom fighting games, but rather introduced Deep Down, powered by their new Panta Rhei graphics engine
New Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen Trailer Teaches You Not to Mess with the Undead
Who knew undead trolls can be adorable?
The Future of Monster Hunter in the Hands of a Plumber
Customization and ease of play is key in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, from the producer himself!
Resident Evil: Revelations HD Port to Offer DLC Guns, Move Items
The upcoming HD port of Resident Evil: Revelations will feature character-themed DLC handguns.
Resident Evil 6’s Extra Modes Get a PlayStation 3 Release Date, Compilation Mercanaries Map Pack is Due in March
3 new modes to vanquish “Evil” with your friends.
Nintendo Looking for ‘Ultimate Monster Hunter’ in Australia, New Zealand
Time to break out the armour and sharpen your weapons—Nintendo Australia is on ‘the search for the ULTIMATE Monster Hunter’.