What better way to begin a series about being stuck in the past than to analyze time travel in video games?
Featured articles will end up in the large scrolling image banner at the top of our page
OPINION: Sword Art Online is Not the Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
An in-depth look at Sword Art Online’s narrative structure and why the series became stale after being so good.
Rayman Legends No Longer Wii U Exclusive, and Delayed
It’s great that even more people can enjoy the game, but too bad about that delay.
REVIEW: Let’s Fish! Hooked On
Time to suit up, grab your tackle, and hit the water for some fishing fun. Let’s Fish! Hooked on is an anime-styled fishing sim for the folks who brought you Sega Bass Fishing.
Project X Zone Available at Amazon
Sega? Namco Bandai? Capcom? Monolith Soft? All involved with the same game?! Shut up and take my money!
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Audojo and Freedom Planet
Today’s feature: Audojo iPad case for games and the platformer Freedom Planet.
Media Create Weekly Software Sales January 21st – February 3rd
Animal Crossing may lead but Fantasy Life has our eye.
PRESS RELEASE: XSEED Games Upcoming Titles
A plethora of upcoming games from XSEED Games.
OPINION: On the Depiction of Women in Games
Discussing women in games isn’t an easy topic to broach on the internet, but let’s try it anyway.
Capcom Arcade Cabinet Partial Game Collection Announced
A partial list of the games that will be available in the Capcom Arcade Cabinet.
Tales of Xillia Now Available for Pre-order at Amazon
Show your support so we can have Tales of Xillia 2 as well!
Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki New Details, Screenshots
Screenshots and plot info revealed for the latest Legend of Heroes installment.
Dragon Quest VII 3DS Developer Notes And Miscellaneous Game Details
Here’s hoping for an international release date.
Games of the Past REVIEW: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
In honor of the impending release of Fire Emblem: Awakening, let’s take a look back at Fire Emblem’s only GameCube outing.
50% Off Sale on Select Final Fantasy Games
Details inside on which Final Fantasy games are included in this 50% off sale.
RUMOR: Final Fantasy Versus XIII Being Developed For Next-Gen?
New week, new rumor.
OUYA Launching In June, Pre-order Option Now Available
Are you hyped?!
‘From Up On Poppy Hill’ US Trailer Released
Ghibli’s newest feature film will be released later this year. Until then, here’s the US trailer to hold you over.
Huge Namco Bandai PSN Sale on the Way
50% off sale on select Namco Bandai games on PSN this month.
OPINION: The Wii U Gamepad is the Best Controller Ever
Why the Wii U Gamepad is the greatest thing to happen to gaming controls since the DualShock. And why developers need to stop dismissing it.