Check out what anime oprainfall is watching every week.
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REVIEW: Crystar (Switch)
Back in 2019 I took a look at the PlayStation 4 release of Crystar. It was one of my favorites of that year, so how is the Switch port?
JAST is Having a Moe March Sale
JAST is currently having a Moe March sale and prices on some great visual novels have been slashed by up to 80%.
oprainfall Week in Anime: March 13 – 19
Check out what anime oprainfall is watching every week.
PREVIEW: Trek to Yomi
This is likely to be a one way trip!
Cooking Eorzea Week 14: Sandwich Basket
This week’s Cooking Eorzea dish is the Sandwich Basket from the Shadowbringers expansion from FINAL FANTASY XIV Online.
REVIEW: Gal*Gun: Double Peace (Switch)
Do you choose the sisters, the demon, or the angel?
(18+) REVIEW: Erovoice
Lewd voices make lewd games better!
REVIEW: Phantom Breaker: Omnia
Phantom Breaker: Omnia is finally here to provide some fated battles!
Cooking Eorzea Week 13: Popoto Salad
For this week’s Cooking Eorzea, I make Popoto Salad from the Norvrandt region of FINAL FANTASY XIV Online.
REVIEW: Infernax
When I first saw Infernax, I thought this was a great modern day take on Castlevania 2, but it was really a lot more than that!
IMPRESSIONS: Kirby and the Forgotten Land
I’ve been really interested in the upcoming new Kirby game after seeing the trailers. Click here to see what I thought of the demo.
REVIEW: Shadow Warrior 3
It has Shadow Warrior in the title. But it plays like modern Doom…
oprainfall Week in Anime: Feb 27 – March 5
Check out what anime oprainfall is watching every week.
REVIEW: Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream
Another fine adventure in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream.
Cooking Eorzea Week 12: Meat Miq’abob
I attempt to make the Meat Miq’abob recipe, from the Thanalan Region of Eorzea, for this week’s cooking Eorzea column.
REVIEW: Justice Chronicles
A JRPG full of character and intrigue, but does it deliver on its potential?
REVIEW: Rise of the Third Power
Take a ride through Rin in Rise of the Third Power.
REVIEW: Monark
Monark creates an intriguing, compelling world to explore the human condition.
oprainfall Week in Anime: Feb 20 – 26
Check out what anime oprainfall is watching every week.