Bioware recently announced that its MMORPG, Star Wars: The Old Republic, will be free-to-play this fall.
PC News, Reviews, Previews, and More
Baldur’s Gate Will Be Cross-Platform
No need to buy a new computer/tablet to play with friends.
Action-RPG Blood Knights Coming Soon
So a Vampire and a Templar walk into the holy land…
GameStop Working Towards Digital Re-Sale
GameStop has begun looking into digital re-sale of video game software.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Coming Soon
Final Fantasy XIV receives a complete makeover and is now called “A Realm Reborn”
GhostLight Bringing JRPGs to PC?
More JRPGs for PC? Who can say no to that?
PSO2 Producer Sakai On Servers, Fan Reaction
The Phantasy Star Producer bears news about western releases and fan reaction.
Borderlands 2 Campaign is 58 Hours Long
58 hours of Borderland goodness!
LA-MULANA Officially Available in English as PC Download, WiiWare version still a possibility
After over two years in localization limbo, LA-MULANA is available in English as a PC download.
Two Ys Games In Today’s Steam Summer Sale
Do you like dying a lot? Well these two games are for you!
Little Inferno Teaser Trailer
(promotes arson in a jovial way)
Sakura River Interactive shows us what’s in store for their new hit title, Don’t Save the World: An RPG.
Valve Crowd Sourcing via Steam Greenlight Program This August
Steam green-lights a new submission process.
Phantasy Star Online 2 Officially Announced for Western Release
PSO2 — another long awaited game, CONFIRMED!
NiGHTS HD Remake coming to Live, PSN, and Steam
Another Sega classic gets the HD touch.
Divine Divinity Now on Steam
One of the All-time best games, Divine Divinity is now available through Steam.
UPDATE: Final Fantasy VII for PC Will NOT Have Microtransactions
The character booster in the PC re-release of Final Fantasy VII will not be based on microtransactions.
Final Fantasy VII Remake Won’t be Happening…At Least Anytime Soon
Wada has destroyed many dreams in a single day.
Operation Rainfall Interview: Pwnee Studios (Cloudberry Kingdom)
Oprainfall interviews Pwnee Studios about Cloudberry Kingdom.
FFXI Producer Hiromichi Tanaka To Leave Square Enix
Hiromichi Tanaka leaves Square Enix.