It’s here, It’s here!
Tag: Nintendo
REVIEW: Pirate Pop Plus
Get ready for a bubble bath!
TBT Review: Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II
Look at the size of that thing!
REVIEW: Dragon Quest VII
This version of the game is unquestionably prettier, but is it definitive?
Gurumin 3D: A Monstrous Adventure Gets EU Release Date
The folks at Mastiff have announced the EU release date for Gurumin 3D: A Monstrous Adventure.
REVIEW: Sadame
Feudal Japanese dark fantasy never gets old. Well, mostly.
Nintendo Famicom Mini Coming to Japan
Now you’re playing with the original!
TBT REVIEW: Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Time to fly, farm boy!
Countdown to Final Fantasy XV
Black, white, and several shades of grey see Final Fantasy enter a more active combat experience.
Pikachu Coin Bank Coming Soon in November
But it won’t thunderbolt people who wanna steal your cash.
Nintendo Celebrates Its 127th Birthday
And it’s still kicking.
Pokémon Sun and Moon Trailer Shows off Version Exclusive Pokémon
Come get your Pokémon news fix for the day.
Dragon Quest VIII on 3DS Has Voice Acting but Not an Orchestrated Score
Voices and MIDI’s coming!
Pokémon Generations Episode One and Two Live on YouTube
A trip down memory lane.
VIZ Media Announces SUPER MARIO ADVENTURES Graphic Novel
New Paper Mario: Color Splash Trailer Reveals Mario 3 Level
Bringing a splash of color to Wii U next month!
(EU) Soul Axiom Sci-fi Adventure Puzzler Coming to Wii U
20+ hours of gameplay.
Countdown to Final Fantasy XV
The iconic music for this beloved franchise is front and center with the next entry.
Drill through those Phantoms!