Will be a sequel to Arc the Lad 2.
Tag: mobile
Grisaia: Phantom Trigger Vol 1+2 For Android Out in 3 Countries
Good news for mobile VN fans.
Disgaea Mobile Game in the Works
Makai Senki Disaea aims to rob YOU of your time. (And maybe money.)
Puzzle Game FRACTER Coming to Mobile Devices Later this Month
Friday the 13th is always a good day.
Get Lost in Harmony on PC and Switch Today
A beautiful adventure now on PC and Switch
Star Ocean: Anamnesis Launches in the West this July
Bring your favorite characters with you on the go!
Pokémon Quest Launches On Switch And Mobile Tonight
Free-to-play and boxy all over,
Fate/kaleid Liner Prisma Illya Alarm App Now Available
Have Illya wake you up.
GDC 2018 Interview: Bandai Namco’s ONE PIECE Bounty Rush
I meet with Yoshinobu Takabayashi at GDC 2018 and talk with him about the ONE PIECE series’ latest mobile game.
TBT REVIEW: Alphadia Genesis
Medieval Clone Wars
GDC 2018: Dragon Ball Legends Hands-On Impression
Does Dragon Ball Legends live up to the storied history of the Dragon Ball Franchise?
My Tamagotchi Forever Now Out for Mobile
Tamagotchi returns.
Wadjet Eye Dark Futures Bundle Offers Fantastic Savings
4 games for the price of 2
TBT REVIEW: Tears Revolude
So you stumble upon a cute girl with no memories in some random cave in the woods…what could possibly go wrong…
Caffeine Brings Gamers a New Broadcasting Platform
Not my usual Caffeine, but still tasty
TBT REVIEW: Asdivine Hearts
In typical JRPG fashion, you’re a hero surrounded by beautiful women and there’s a deity possessed cat involved…
PR: The Alchemist Code X Phantom of the Kill Crossover Brings More Content
Mobile games really are all the rage these days,
TBT REVIEW: Antiquia Lost
Exe Create and Kemco offer another game brimming with that classic RPG look and feel
Square Enix Having Sale to Celebrate the Holidays
A lot of older Final Fantasy titles on sale.
PR: The Winners of the 2017 BitAwards
And the winners are….