No sun? Where’s a baby with a gun when you need it?
Tag: Compile Heart
METROCON 2016: An Interview With Laura Post
Laura Post talks about her career of voicing roles in Love Live!, Kill La Kill, Trillion: God of Destruction, and more at MetroCon 2016 in Tampa, Florida.
Divine Prison Tower: Mary Skelter Gets A New Character Trailer
Looking pretty dark.
Compile Heart’s Mary Skelter Opening Movie Released
I hope IFI brings this one West soon!
PR: Superdimension Neptune Vs Sega Hard Girls Lands In October
Finally, Iffy gets her time to shine!
PR: Trillion and MegaTagmension Blanc Are Coming to PC via Steam
More games coming to Steam!
Latest Genkai Tokki Trailer Shows Lots of Booty
*Insert sexually explicit pirate pun here*
Compile Heart Posts New Screens for Mary Skelter
Compile Heart is always working on something…
Superdimension Neptune VS. The Sega Hard Girls New Promo Trailer
Time for IFFY to shine!
Pre-Orders for MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death LE Open August 9
That oppai mousepad though.
Divine Prison Tower: Mary Skelter Six-Minute Overview Trailer
This is some messed up fairy tale…
Nep-Nep Connect: Chaos Chanpuru Teaser Trailer has been Released
Nep can be such a tease!
NepuNepu Connect: Chaos Chanpuru is F2P Card Battler
Cheap cash in, or something good?
Compile Heart’s New Game is NepuNepu Connect: Chaos Champions
More Nep is on the way!
REVIEW: Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force – Part 2
The final part and a review score, is the new version the better one?
Compile Heart Shows off New Countdown Site
Wonder what Compa has cooking this time?
REVIEW: Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force – Part 1
This new version is no longer short, and neither is the review.
RE-REVIEW: Megadimension Neptunia V-II
The Goddesses of Gamindustri take their show on the road to Steam, but is it intact?
Megadimension Neptunia VII Steam Sets
Bundles of Nep are always good!
Play-Asia Unsure of Moero Crystal English Status
Uncertainty is never good.