Hopefully, it won’t be the same for Kingdom Hearts III.
Japan News
(Japan) New Round of New Atelier Rorona Screenshots
Get an eyeful of the game’s updated visual style.
Bravely Default: For the Sequel First Footage Video
If you have half an hour, we have a Bravely Default: For the Sequel video for you.
(Japan) Amazing Twins Website Reveals Story, New Characters, Third Trailer
Learn more about the new OVA from Sailor Moon series director Junichi Sato.
(Japan) Year of the Amazoness Debut Trailer Released
Take a look at Arc System Works’ provocative new game on the Nintendo 3DS.
(Japan) Comparison Video of Original, New Atelier Rorona
Compare the graphical updates in New Atelier Rorona with the original.
New Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Trailer Highlights Presea
Watch some key moments with Presea revisited in HD in a brand-new trailer.
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Offers Over 80 Different Costume Options
Whoever said fashion and action didn’t mix?
(Japan) Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call Screens and New Info
Let the music keep on playing!
(Japan) Media Create Weekly Sales: September 02–08
Sales are down, but it’s not all bad news.
(Japan) Club Nintendo Members to Receive The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD OST
Is a worldwide announcement for this soundtrack promotion possible?
Soul Calibur: Lost Swords Free to Play
A free-to-play Soul Calibur game has been announced for the PlayStation 3.
(Japan) Disgaea 4: Return Japanese Release Date
A Japanese release date for Disgaea 4: Return, Dood!
(Japan) Taiko no Tatsujin Announced for the Wii U
Drum your way to cuteness with Taiko no Tatsujin, just announced for the Wii U!
(Japan) New Natural Doctrine Screenshots and Details Released
Take a gander at some of the new screens and details about Kodokwa Games’ debut title for the PlayStation systems.
[UPDATE] (Japan) Madoka Magica: The Battle Pentagram Coming to PS Vita
The latest thing for Madoka Magica fans to get excited about!
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call Confirmed for 3DS
Get ready for more music from the Final Fantasy universe.
(Japan) Kadokawa Games Announces Natural Doctrine
Kadokawa Games’ first in-house title looks like a familiar isometric SRPG treat from the past.
(Japan) Hatsune Miku and Game Music Channels Coming to Music Unlimited
Who doesn’t want to stream video game and Vocaloid music on their PlayStation?
New Lightweight Vita Model Announced
The original Vita design is getting a sleek new look.