We discuss Aku no Hana, as well as rotoscoping as an animation tool.
Featured articles will end up in the large scrolling image banner at the top of our page
Namco Bandai Stirs Up New Project X Zone Screens
But do they sate our appetites, or do they make us hungrier?
PSN Gets Anarchy Reigns With DLC
The downloadable content that was previously a Gamestop preorder exclusive for Anarchy Reigns is now available with it on PSN.
Soul Sacrifice Demo Coming Next Week
Soul Sacrifice gets a demo soon, and a brand new interview with Keiji Inafune is coming right now!
Games of the Past REVIEW: Final Fantasy: The Four Heroes of Light
Final Fantasy Four Heroes of Light is a throwback to the Final Fantasy games of old.
Dragon’s Crown – Atlus Shows Off the Sorceress
Meet the Sorceress.
KORG M01D is Coming to the 3DS eShop
What musical masterpieces will you create?
STAFF PICKS: Top 10 Swords in Video Games
We look at the swords that make us squee like little school girls.
Tales of Xillia – Two Battle Showcase Videos & New Screenshots
Say “hello” to Elize and Alvin!
Shin Megami Tensei IV Screenshots
Screenshots and character pictures from a recent Famitsu article on Shin Megami Tensei IV.
Virtue’s Last Reward Free For EU/AU PlayStation Plus Members
A great edition to Sony’s “Instant Game Collection”.
Project X Zone English Trailer and Limited Edition Details
Which character will you play as?
UPDATE: Tales of Xillia CE Available for EU Pre-Order
A Tales of Xillia Collector’s Edition, featuring a wealth of content, has been announced for Europe.
Nintendo Download: April 11th (North America)
Super heroes, demons, iconic first-party characters, and a new rising Nintendo star!
Devil Survivor 2: Break Code – New Scans
New magazine scans of Devil Survivor 2: Break Code have surfaced via Magicbox.
A Year’s Worth Of Xenoblade Hours Revealed
Look at all those numbers…
Dragon Quest X not Meeting Expectations
Square Enix is in trouble, and some of the blame has to go to Dragon Quest X.
Anime of the Past: Fist of the North Star 2
Love (and explosive punching) conquers all in the conclusion of Fist of the North Star!
Six New PSOne Imports From GungHo Online Entertainment
Which games are GungHo Online Entertainment bringing west?
Crossover Costumes Appearing in Phantasy Star Online 2
What crossover costumes will be available for Phantasy Star Online 2?