I’ve got a bone to pick with you!
oprainfall editorials. Debates, publisher spotlights, opinions, interviews, and many others, surely there is something that will tickle your fancy!
E3 2018 INTERVIEW: Tak Fujii Talks Gal Metal, Music, And More
Tak Fujii discusses his latest game, Gal Metal, his musical influences, and about raising his own musician son at E3 2018.
Smashing Saturdays! Week 64: August 20-25, 2018
Hey boys and girls! Did you miss me last week? Cause I sure missed writing up the latest Smashing Saturdays, but even I need something more to work with than the little we got last time. As such, this installment of Smashing Saturdays will be a bit of a recap on top of the usual […]
Building Character: Shino Asada (Sinon) from Sword Art Online
“In the game, at least be brave enough to run towards the guns and die!”
Building Character: Ritsu Tainaka
High energy gals are always great!
Jurassic World Evolution – What’s Old is New
Life will find a way.
OPINION: My Love and Hopes for Dragon Quest Builders
I guess this experience led to me having somewhat of a love-hate relationship with Dragon Quest Builders.
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Boyfriend Dungeon
Hack, slash and…date?
Buried Treasure – Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis
I spared no expense!
Smashing Saturdays! Week 63: August 6-11, 2018
Holy crap, what a week! This Smashing Saturdays comes on the heels of one of the most momentous reveals in Smash Bros. Ultimate history thus far. You could neatly slice it between what happened before and after the Wednesday Direct. Before, it was your average week, but afterwards it set all our heads spinning with […]
Birthday Spotlight: Shinjiro Aragaki
Be aware, this article contains Persona 3 spoilers.
Corrupted Save Podcast Episode 14: The Assassination of Archduke Mario
What? They didn’t teach you that Mario was killed by a furry?
Building Character: Yuri Hyuga
Can we please have a Shadow Hearts IV? Or at least an HD collection?
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Tales of the Neon Sea
Unearth the dark mysteries under the neon lights…
Smashing Saturdays! Week 61: July 23-28, 2018
Too much tongue? Or not enough?
Smashing Saturdays! Master List (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
A Master List of EIC Josh Speer’s Smashing Saturdays!, coming fresh to you until Super Smash Bros. Ultimate releases.
AX 2018 IMPRESSIONS: 428: Shibuya Scramble
Five protagonists, ten in-game hours, and a perfect 40/40 score from Famitsu.
Smashing Saturdays! Week 60: July 16-21, 2018
Bewear the death hugz!
AX 2018: Karin Entertainment – Developer of All Things Otome and BL
Turns out Karin Entertainment has developed a lot more than just London Detective Mysteria