Digital copies of Sympathy Kiss are on sale for 10% off in the eShop until two weeks after launch.
REVIEW: Sympathy Kiss
I was looking forward to distracting some men at the office in Sympathy Kiss.
Partner Showcase Nintendo Direct Announced
What do you expect or hope to see announced during this latest Nintendo Direct: Partner Showcase?
A Retrospective Look- Lightning Returns: FINAL FANTASY XIII In 2024
I talk about what works- and what doesn’t- in SQUARE ENIX’s Lightning Returns: FINAL FANTASY XIII when viewed through a 2024 gamer’s lens.
Cooking Eorzea Week 45: Starlight Dodo (FINAL FANTASY XIV Online)
Alongside cooking this week’s Cooking Eorzea dish, I talk about my love for Christmas, KFC as a Japanese Christmas tradition, and more!
Maid of the Dead Marked Adult Only on Steam
The latest release from qureate, Maid of the Dead, has been marked Adult Only on Steam.
Princess Peach: Showtime! – New Transformations Trailer
The game is scheduled to launch on March 22nd.
Ys X: Nordics Sails West Fall 2024 for Switch, PS4, PS5, and PC
Sail the high seas with Adol and Karja!
Splatoon 3 – New Side Order and Fresh Season Trailers
The Side Order DLC will be out later this month and the latest Fresh Season begins on March 1st.
Unicorn Overlord – Training Tips Trailer
The game is scheduled to launch on March 8th for PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series X|S.
New Blue Archive The Animation PV Focuses on Takanashi Hoshino
Hoshino’s looking as tired as ever.
Good Smile Announces Nendoroids for Fate/Samurai Remnant’s Saber and FGO’s Kama
I wonder if Iori would want a Saber Nendoroid…
Aniplex Unveils Prototype for Fate/Grand Order x Usada Pekora Collab Figure
Pekora looks good in that armor!
Medicos Reveals 1st Prototype for Fate/Grand Order Kama Figure
The figure is certainly highlighting her assets well.
Good Smile Announces Xenoblade 3 Eunie Figma, Reveals Painted Mio Figure
Both look great so far!
Adult Visual Novel ‘LIP! Lewd Idol Project Vol. 3’ Now Available
The end of a very lewd road.
Visual Novel Spin-Off ‘Nope Nope Nurses Melee’ Coming February 22nd
I’m just as shocked as you are.
Cooking Eorzea Week 44: Rare Roast Beef (Operation Rainfall)
For this week’s Cooking Eorzea, I make the Azim Steppe Rare Roast Beef recipe and talk about my love for music and video game concerts.
Neon Blood – First Trailer Released
The game is scheduled to launch digitally for PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam, sometime later this year.
New Konosuba Visual Novel is Now Available
A physical copy is available for Switch and PS4. On Steam, the game is 10% off for this first week after launch.