AMANATSU ~Perfect Edition~ | Best Girl?

In what seems like a weekly trend of releases for Shiravune, AMANATSU ~Perfect Edition~ is out! A story that’s as beautiful on the eyes as it is the heart. In case you’re not familar, AMANATSU is developed by Azarashi Soft. The developers behind one of the most heartwarming reads of recent memory: AIKAGI. This time around it’s a multi-route pure love story with breathtaking art by veteran artist Gintarou. If you’re in awe of the wonderful art and premise like I am, you can check out AMANATSU on various platforms. This one is available on Steam with a free downloadable patch, as well as JAST, and MangaGamer to name a few. The price is $15.99 during launch week and will go back to $19.99 after. As always synopsis and more down below, let us know what you think of this game!

So what’s AMANATSU ~Perfect Edition~ about?

Haruto leaves the big city for a coastal town surrounded by blue sea and deep-green mountains. Hailing from the rat race of urban society, he half-expects another uphill challenge in a new battlefield.

…But nothing could be further from the truth.

Right from day one, he is befriended by new classmates and quickly learns to sit back and enjoy life―all while getting to know three very different girls who inspire in him another kind of sea change.

There’s Kazuha, the taciturn daughter of the family that takes him in, who’s lowkey the perfect host…

Kogane, the always sunny, high-energy first-year he meets through a sudden and dramatic encounter…

And Yashiro, a shrine-maiden third-year with a silly streak, who’s like nothing out of this world…

Here Haruto’s friendships and romance will interweave as a unique student love story unfolds. Over one dazzling summer, one girl’s affections will bloom from nascent butterflies into deepest love.

Diego Hernandez
Diego is an incredibly passionate visual novel enthusiast from an island within the Caribbean. He intends on working alongside Operation Rainfall to inform the masses about the vast library of breathtaking visual literature. As well as spreading awareness of the amazingly talented individuals hard at work on said breathtaking projects.