The wait is over, the third chapter in the Re;Lord series, Re;Lord 3, is available for purchase. This is the finale to Escu:de’s RPG series, a saga that started all the way back in 2018 for us English readers. Readers can enjoy the continuation of Wilfried Heisenburg’s journey to reclaim the lost territories. All with the same extravagant art style and writing that we have come to expect from the last two entries. If you’re curious about that, our passionate boss Steve actually reviewed both entries of the series! You can read all about the first one here, and the second one here. Re;Lord 3 ~The demon lord of Groessen and the final witch~ is now available on Denpasoft for $17.99 with adult patch included! We’ll hopefully have a review up soon, in the meantime, let us know what you think!

So you might be wondering what Re;Lord 3 is about? Well, let me tell you:
A fantasy world where magic exists.
This is a story where demons lived among the denizens of the world. And it’s the demon realm that was about to face an unprecedented crisis when three “Witches of Ruin” suddenly appeared and invaded the demon country of Saarland.Wilfried Heisenburg, son of the governor of Groessen and his army continue their quest to reclaim territories lost to the Witches and turns toward Greiz, the political center of Groessen. Once a thriving city with trains that run from there to the royal capital, it has all the appearances of an eerie ghost town. With Herford and Cologne liberated, only the Witch of Greiz remains.
As Wilfried’s forces march on Greiz, the fated hour also approaches as if to ridicule him. Thus begins his final battle.