Twelve new Final Fantasy songs to be available throughout the month of July.
Tag: Square Enix
OPINION: Why I Love / Hate the Nintendo 3DS
A roller-coaster of emotions, featuring glasses-free 3D!
PREVIEW: Heroes of Ruin
With the demo out and the release just a couple weeks away, how do we feel about Heroes of Ruin?
UPDATE: Final Fantasy VII for PC Will NOT Have Microtransactions
The character booster in the PC re-release of Final Fantasy VII will not be based on microtransactions.
PICKS: Top 10 PlayStation (PS1) Games
Its a JRPG love-fest!
Bravely Default & Project X Zone Get an October Release
Two epic JRPG’s released on the same day!
Editorial: Nobuo Uematsu Guides Us to Distant Worlds
Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu takes us to the distant worlds of video games.
Final Fantasy VII Remake Won’t be Happening…At Least Anytime Soon
Wada has destroyed many dreams in a single day.
Upcoming Releases: Fantasies, Thieves, and War Oh My!
Niche games coming soon!
Dragon Quest X Gets a Wii Bundle
Another bundle for Japanese gamers to lose their wallets to.
FFXI Producer Hiromichi Tanaka To Leave Square Enix
Hiromichi Tanaka leaves Square Enix.
Dragon Quest X: 11 Minutes of New Footage
A new trailer released for Dragon Quest X.
Final Fantasy VII for the PC, Possibly Leaked
A leaked google cache reveals plans for a PC release of Final Fantasy VII.
Bravely Default Soundtrack Collection, Game Composer Announced
Very Sexy Looking Albums…
Square Enix Registers a New Domain Name
A new domain name for Final Fantasy VII was recently registered by Square Enix.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy DLC for North America
DLC comes to North America.
Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Concert Announced for North America
If videogame music be the food of love… play on.
Dragon Quest X Wii Bundle Coming to Japan
Japan gets some DQX love.
Bravely Default Flying Fairy: New Character Art
New Character revealed!
Square Enix Talks Luminous Engine, New IPs
Yoichi Wada discusses Luminous Studios engine and new IPs.