These animals are some fine fellows
Tag: PS4
PAX Prime Impressions: Armello
A lot of complexity for widdle animals
New Trailer for Dragon Quest Heroes: “The Heroes You Know”
And it seems they’ve stuck with the accents from previous games.
REVIEW: Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess
This lady is home alone again…
Song of Memories Confirmed for PS4
Sing us a song you’re the idol girl, sing us a song tonight~
PSN Flash Sale Includes Resident Evil 4 and Transistor
Deals deals deals!
First Screenshots for Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Released
Kasumi, in a bikini, playing volleyball? With current-gen graphics? Hooray! Oh, also, there’s a beach.
Ayane Character DLC Gameplay Footage For Senran Kagura: Estival Versus Released
Our favorite purple haired shinobi finally joins the fray!
Persona 5 Still Confirmed For 2015 In North America
Atlus states Persona 5 is still planned for a 2015 release.
PRESS RELEASE: Rainbow Skies and Rainbow Moon to be Released on PS4 in 2016
And about time, too!
REVIEW: Rocket League
It was pretty hard to stop playing and write this review.
(Japan) Yoru no Nai Kuni Box Art Revealed
Gust has revealed the box art for their upcoming RPG, Yoru no Nai Kuni.
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir Showcases 20+ New Screenshots
Portable remakes have never looked so good
Achievements Revealed for Mega Man Legacy Collection
Capcom has revealed the achievements and trophies you can get in their upcoming Mega Man Legacy Collection.
PR: Disgaea 5 Character Trailers
A launch edition awaits those who preorder Disgaea 5 too.
Inti Creates Tweets About Possible Localization For Gal Gun 2: Double Peace
Shame about the first never making it over, but here’s our chance for the sequel.
Mega Man Legacy Collection Releasing August 25
Get your retro blue bomber fix on August 25.
PSN Summer Sale Deals for Week Two Released
Let the bargain hunting continue
Final Fantasy VII Remake Combat Will be Different but “Recognizable”
Just…don’t get TOO carried away, guys.
ZombiU Going Through Some Changes
Should players risk it all to get their bag back or start scavenging anew?