Japan makes the best video game commercials
Tag: PlayStation 4
More Characters Revealed For Toukiden 2
Another Oni for you to hunt down.
If you’re looking for a calmer experience in between RPG runs, Koi might be the game for you.
Online Improvements and Guile Coming to Street Fighter V This Month
Remember, Guile’s theme goes with everything.
NieR: Automata Shows Off Gameplay Footage
Look at those environments!
PR: Stikbold Launches Across Several Platforms
Developed by Game Swing, and Published by Curve Digital, Stikbold is a dodgeball adventure game (inspired by the 70s and its athletes) that is launching today.
PR: KOEI TECMO AMERICA Gives First Glimpse Into Nioh
KOEI TECMO America has announced the that they are going to soon release a demo of Nioh, samurai-centric, dark fantasy action RPG.
PR: Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- Preorder Demo
New Demo for the New Guilty Gear.
Play-Asia Sales Record Broken by New Dead or Alive
Looks like all the attention helped
REVIEW: Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Fortune
Bikini babes, volleyball and gambling await you in Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Fortune.
New Hatsune Miku Game Will Release in Two Versions
A lot of songs.
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Trailer Shows Off Kasumi
Can’t have a Dead or Alive game without her.
Stories: The Path of Destinies Release Date Announced
Survive to tell the tale.
ToyQuest: The Lost and Found Coming to Xbox One and PS4
…armed with common household items.
Resident Evil 4, 5, and 6 Coming to PS4 and Xbox One
Which are you most waiting on?
Star Ocean 5 Relia Character Trailer
Amnesia and time manipulation. Surely this can’t be safe at all
Quistis to Appear in World of Final Fantasy
This world just gets bigger and better
Knights and Bikes Coming to PlayStation 4
One more platform for what could be a gem of a game
Street Fighter V Vega Introduction Video
The masked bullfighter from Spain returns with an all new fighting style
Ikenie to Yuki no Setsuna Web Commercial
A short clip of a game that looks to be a good bit of fun