A slew of Song of Memories news has been released by Pure Wish.
Tag: PlayStation 4
E3 2017 Interview: Nicalis on Upcoming Games and the Switch
I interview Nicalis about their upcoming titles including and why they supported the Nintendo Switch before it became a hit.
Arika’s “Mysterious Fighting Game” Sees Simultaneous Release in 2018
Two new characters were also revealed!
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom Delayed to January
Some extra polish on an already beautiful looking game.
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age Released
The so-called “International” version finally gets an international release.
Does combining two disparate genres together work in this indie game’s favor, and what exactly is a RIVE?
E3 2017 Hands-On: Ittle Dew 2+ (Nintendo Switch)
I try out Ittle Dew 2+, for the Nintendo Switch (and spoiler!) I really liked the humor and puzzle/combat gameplay.
Abraham Lincoln isn’t playing nice anymore.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Heads to Switch in September
Blast kamehameha waves with five other people.
Limited Run Games Announces Three Games For July
Limited Run Games has announced three more games coming on July 14th and July 21st.
Hidden Dragon Legend Hits PlayStation 4 Later This Summer
Hidden Dragon Legend is set to land on PlayStation 4 this summer.
E3 2017 Hands-On: DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY NT for PlayStation 4
I try out DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY NT and find myself quite pleased with new three-on-three combat and character options.
TEKKEN 7 Ultimate TEKKEN Bowl DLC Trailer
Get ready for the next TEKKEN Battle… in a Bowling Alley as Ultimate TEKKEN Bowl Makes its return in TEKKEN 7
E3 2017 Hands-On: One Way Trip is a Strange/Unique Visual Novel
A unique and bizarre visual novel where two brothers live their last six hours on Earth
Fate/EXTELLA Launches on PC Simultaneously with the Switch
Fate/EXTELLA spreads to even more platforms.
How does FINAL FANTASY XII: THE ZODIAC AGE stack up against the 2006 original?
AX 2017: Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time Heads West Next Year
Even more Little Witch Academia is coming!
E3 2017 Hands-On: Mulaka (As inspired by the Tarahumara)
I try out Lienzo’s Mulaka at E3 2017, a game inspired by the Tarahumara culture in Mexico, and I am impressed by this action game with puzzle elements.
REVIEW: Victor Vran: Overkill Edition
Slaying demons, vampires, and rocking to metal!
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles Releases July 18th
A new trailer was released.