Limited Edition and a July Release?
Tag: Nintendo
Fatal Frame 2 Wii Upgrades
We learn more about Fatal Frame as it creeps closer to its release date
RUMOR: Retro Studios Working on Starfox Wii U?
An HD Star Fox? Yes please!
Video: Shin Megami Tensei (Super Famicom and Wii Virtual Console, Japan) Part 07: Gotou vs Thorman
In the last episode, we rescued Agent NiteMare, who informed us that in order to talk to Gotou and the American Ambassador Thorman. Agent Jaymonius left to attack Ozawa, while Agent Archon left to rescue his girlfriend. The main party went exploring, and happened to find the location where the kidnapped NiteMares were being held! […]
OPINION: Why Pandora’s Tower matters part 3
Why Pandora’s Tower Matters Part 3
Xenoblade to be the 3rd Best Selling Game in April?
According to an analyst firm…
PREVIEW: Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
A preview of Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
3DS will get Western Support
Western games on my 3ds? What?!
Pandora’s Tower Musical Origins Part III
The final part in Operation Rainfall’s audio series of discovering the music origins in Pandora’s Tower. Part III focuses on none other than Tchaikovsky, his life, and his 6th Symphony which plays a part in the game. Written and Narrated by Clinton Nix.
REVIEW: Sin and Punishment – Star Successor
Nintendo has often been accused of alienating the “core gamer” demographic with the Wii. Truth is, the Wii has many games that rival those of the other two seventh-generation consoles. One simply has to find them. However, while “core” third-party experiences are a dime a dozen on the console, frequent game droughts have become a […]
Xenoblade Breaks the 200k Mark after 3 Weeks
More than Europe or Japan!
Don’t Judge a Game by its Console
We gamers develop certain views of companies based on their actions. So it is no surprise that “core” gamers do not see the Wii in the greatest of light. It has lots of causal games on it and very few adult titles, sure. But just because the Wii’s library is the way that it […]
OPINION: Why Pandora’s Tower Matters Part 2
UPDATE: Pandora’s Tower has been announced for North America, published by XSEED Games, and scheduled to be released Spring 2013! Pandora’s Tower was released in Europe on Friday, the 13th of April, 2012. The game has yet to be confirmed for a North American release. Of the three games Operation Rainfall is campaigning for, Pandora’s […]
What is Pandora’s Tower?
UPDATE: Pandora’s Tower has been announced for North America, published by XSEED Games, and scheduled to be released Spring 2013! An explanation of Pandora’s Tower. Narrated by Kwing.
Pikmin 2 for the Wii is Finally Coming to the NTSC Region
Great news for everyone who does not wan’t to shell out 60 or more dollars for a now rare copy of Pikmin 2 for the Gamecube. Fans who missed out on it, could now own what the PAL region has gotten, back in 2009. To get a game this late in the life cycle of […]
Official Box Art Revealed for THEATRHYTHM FINAL FANTASY
Today, Square Enix reveals the official box art for THEATRHYTHM FINAL FANTASY. Take a look at it and share your thoughts on it. THEATRHYTHM FINAL FANTASY is set to release on July 3,2012 in North America for Nintendo 3DS.
Pandora’s Tower Musical Origins Part II
We return to the origins of music in Pandora’s Tower, and for part two, Franz Liszt and his famous ‘Liebestraum’ takes the spotlight. Follow along as we dig deeper into the relationship Pandora’s Tower has with this famous piece, and their similarities in inspiration. Written and Narrated by Clinton Nix
Nintendo of America Registers Domain for Fire Emblem: Awakening
A sign of things to come?
OPINION: Why Pandora’s Tower matters part 1
Why Pandora’s Tower Matters
Nintendo Direct Tonight!
As some people may know there will be Nintendo Direct conferences for Japan and Europe, with an American one not in sight. All is not lost though as Nintendo of America has tweeted: “We’ve got some news to share 2nite around 8:30pm PT. Be sure to check back to get the latest!” Of course this […]