Oprainfall interviews Idea Factory International’s president Haru Akenaga and Trillion director Masahiro Yamamoto
Tag: Idea Factory
Visit oprainfall for Updates from the IF Press Event
We will be attending Idea Factory’s Press Event!
PR: Megadimension Neptunia VII Battle Screens
See Nep Nep and friends in action as they take on the enemies of Zero Dimension and beyond.
REVIEW: Norn9: Var Commons
A tale about the struggles of life, of finding love, and the harsh consequences that can come from nurturing that love. Welcome to the world of Norn9: Var Commons.
REVIEW: Code: Realize Guardian of Rebirth
To love, or not to love.
RE-REVIEW: Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3 V Generation
Nep Nep like it’s 1989.
New Gameplay Footage Of Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force Uploaded
Looks nice in HD.
Megadimension Neptunia VII Up for Pre-Order
Get your next dose of Nep Nep on January 26.
Moero Crystal Heading to Asia in English
More monstergirl goodness!
Mugen Souls Heading to Steam
The power of Moe! Now coming to Steam.
PRESS RELEASE: Megadimension Neptunia VII Coming Early 2016
Finally, Neptune makes her debut on the PlayStation 4 in the West.
REVIEW: Fairy Fencer F
Fairizing gets me hot blooded.
Fairy Fencer F Hits Steam Today
Time for Fang to kick some ass in 1080p!
PR: Fairy Fencer F Flies Onto Steam August 4th
Fairy Fencer comes to PC in a few days!
oprainfall Plays – HDNV2 (JP) – Episode 15
Join us for our import playthrough of the Japanese version of Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory II. Episode 15: Throw Down at Club ZECA.
oprainfall Plays – HDNV2 (JP) – Episode 14
Join us for our import playthrough of the Japanese version of Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory II. Episode 14: RUN AWAY!
oprainfall Plays – HDNV2 (JP) – Episode 13
Join us for our import playthrough of the Japanese version of Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory II. Episode 13: Depression, Delusions, and Dreams.
oprainfall Plays – HDNV2 (JP) – Episode 12
Join us for our import playthrough of the Japanese version of Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory II. Episode 12: I’m an idiot…
oprainfall Plays – HDNV2 (JP) – Episode 11
Join us for our import playthrough of the Japanese version of Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory II. Episode 11: Dark Purple Descends! The Birth of the Sharing Field
oprainfall Plays – HDNV2 (JP) – Episode 10
Join us for our import playthrough of the Japanese version of Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory II. Episode 10: A Familiar Shade of Purple Among the Cherry Blossoms