Mugen Souls Logo

Ghostlight announced today that it would be bringing Idea Factory’s Mugen Souls to the PC via Steam. While there isn’t many details on the release they do go on to say it would be based off the European PS3 release. This means the bath mini game and associated CGs will not be present in this version.

Mugen PC 2
Mugen PC

From the pictures it looks like a decent upscale is taking place, but I really hope they work out some of the horrible frame rate issues found in the PS3 release. You can check out the Ghostlight Blog for more details, and we will pass along more information as it become available.

Steve Baltimore
Steve started with oprainfall not long after the campaign moved from the IGN forums to Facebook. Ever since, he has been fighting to give all non-mainstream RPGs a fair voice. As the site admin, he will continue to do this and even show there is value in what some would deem "pure ecchi." He loves niche games and anime more than anything... well, except maybe Neptune.