XSEED talks The Last Story with Rich at IGN
Xenoblade Chronicles Not Pre-order Exclusive
According to a Nintendo representative via email, Xenoblade is not pre-order exclusive.
#OPR (Operation Rainfall) is Looking for Writers
We are currently picking staff to assist with writing articles for the new website.
Tales of Xillia Has Been Trademarked for the US
UPDATE: Namco Bandai has trademarked Tales of Xillia for the US as well as Europe.
Rumor- Silicon Knights Making an Eternal Darkness Sequel?
Silicon Knight’s Dennis Dyack hints at working on their most fan requested IP
Xenoblade Chronicles: Backordered?
Xenoblade Chronicles may or may not be backordered on ShopNintendo.
Fire Emblem: Awakening New details – jobs, class
With the release getting closer, and Fire Emblem fans being anxious about localization in the NTSC region, Nintendo released new information about the game, which includes. – allies that you’re standing next to in battle can join you in attacking – they will also boost your stats – develop ties with each other during battle […]
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy North America Bound
Square Enix is brining Theatrhythm Final Fantasy to North America this summer on the 3DS.
Welcome to the new Operation Rainfall website!
Have a look around, hm? Feel free to browse, but try not to carouse! Ho ho!