One of Nintendo’s quirkiest series has a Wii U installment on the way.
Titled Game & Wario (a working title), the latest offering in the WarioWare series will grace Nintendo’s new console with the series’ signature minigames, which, in this iteration, only use the Wii U GamePad.

The announced minigames are as follows: In Arrow, the GamePad becomes a bow and arrow that players aim at enemies. Ski lets players tilt the GamePad to control a skiier. In Shutter, the GamePad becomes a camera lens, and players look for criminals hidden in the town and take pictures of them. Fruit has the first player stealing pieces of fruit in the town and the other players trying to find the suspect. The game’s multiplayer mode will be alternating – up to five players trade the GamePad during gameplay.

Game & Wario, which may be retitled to something similar to WarioWare, will be available at the Wii U’s launch this holiday season.