What better way to begin a series about being stuck in the past than to analyze time travel in video games?
oprainfall editorials. Debates, publisher spotlights, opinions, interviews, and many others, surely there is something that will tickle your fancy!
OPINION: Sword Art Online is Not the Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
An in-depth look at Sword Art Online’s narrative structure and why the series became stale after being so good.
INTERVIEW: Wired Productions – Let’s Fish! Hooked On
I recently had a chance to speak with Sean Walsh, Product Manger at Wired Productions about their moe fishing sim Let’s Fish! Hooked on
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Audojo and Freedom Planet
Today’s feature: Audojo iPad case for games and the platformer Freedom Planet.
OPINION: On the Depiction of Women in Games
Discussing women in games isn’t an easy topic to broach on the internet, but let’s try it anyway.
OPINION: The Wii U Gamepad is the Best Controller Ever
Why the Wii U Gamepad is the greatest thing to happen to gaming controls since the DualShock. And why developers need to stop dismissing it.
Crystal’s Corner: OpRainfall and Friends Discuss Game Endings
Welcome to Crystal’s Corner! Join in our discussion on game endings, and see who you agree with!
Item Shop
Welcome to Item Shop! Showing you the latest Amazon pre-orders, weekly deals, games we think are awesome (and maybe some not so awesome), and game related merchandise! Operation Rainfall Trio (if you haven’t already): Pandora’s Tower | The Last Story | Xenoblade Chronicles(GameStop Link) Pre-Orders: Monster Hunter Ultimate (WiiU) | Monster Hunter Ultimate (3DS) | Resident Evil Revelations (Multi) | […]
Thank XSEED Games for Localizing Pandora’s Tower & The Last Story
Be sure to thank the real heroes for publishing these highly anticipated games.
Part Two: Wii U Virtual Console Upgrades and Backward Compatibility
We discuss whether Nintendo’s Virtual Console updates are truly new and shocking.
Part One: Wii U Virtual Console Can’t load Wii Saves for Older Games?
Why can’t the Wii U Virtual Console use older Wii saves for our games? Does it matter?
Scattered Showers: The Best Video Game Music Covers on the Internet
If video game music be the awesomesauce of love, play on.
OPINION: Make No Mistake; “X” is Coming to the West
I don’t claim to be an analyst when I write something like this. But I do claim…to be hopeful.
The Downpour Podcast Episode 7: The Xenoblade Spoilercast
What started as a podcast centered around Xenoblade became the proper send-off to the campaign as a whole.
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Akaneiro and Wildman
We take a look at two projects—Akaneiro: Demon Hunters and Wildman—in this Crowdfunding Spotlight double feature.
Building Character: Norman Jayden
This week on Building Character we celebrate the woes of Heavy Rain’s Agent Norman Jayden, FBI.
OPINION: Girls und Panzer Is the Sleeper Hit of the Autumn 2012 Anime Season
Despite its bizarre-looking premise, Girls und Panzer may be the sleeper hit of the autumn 2012 anime season.
Scattered Showers: The ‘Best’ Xenoblade Chronicles Memes
It’s meme time baby!
The oprainfall Awards of 2012 (Part 3)
We reveal our Game of the Year.
The oprainfall Awards of 2012 (Part 2)
The ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny. Best Wii Game is named