Pokémon Colosseum is the game that showed to me there was more to a game than just beating your friends at Pokémon.
oprainfall editorials. Debates, publisher spotlights, opinions, interviews, and many others, surely there is something that will tickle your fancy!
TRAILERS ROUNDUP: Runner2, Dynasty Warriors 8 and More…
Its trailerlicious.
SCATTERED SHOWERS: Awesome Boss Themes
Fight to the death!
DEBATE: Dueling Thoughts On Backwards Compatibility
No one is invalidated, but nobody is right.
Nipponbashi – Gamer’s Heaven
There is only one place in Japan that deserves the name Gamer’s Heaven. This place is known as Nipponbashi, and trust me, it’s no disappointment.
OPINION: FBI Profiler says Violent Video Games Don’t Cause Crime
FBI profilers do not consider video games a cause for violent crimes, but what effect do they have on us all? This article, and future debates, will explain this issue in further detail.
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Death Inc. and Asylum
Come on in. It’ll be a scary-good time.
Chihayafuru 2 Recap #1
Oprainfall takes a look at the wonderful second season of Chihayafuru!
Building Character: Tidus & Yuna
Explore and discover the relationship between Tidus and Yuna in Final Fantasy X.
PUBLISHER SPOTLIGHT: UTV Ignition Entertainment
Bringing us great games for a decade now!
16-Bit Tribute Music Video Is Pretty Awesome
16-Bit sure gets a lot of love in this music video!
The Downpour Podcast Episode 8
Sit back, relax, and enjoy a lengthy discussion about Fire Emblem: Awakening, Ni No Kuni, and more!
From Diadora to Deirdre: The Quirks of Fire Emblem’s English History
Sometimes, the little touches have the biggest impact.
Sony’s Meeting: Our Hopes and Predictions
What do we hope for or expect out of Sony’s meeting?
JEFF’S MUSINGS: Life is too short…
Dude, chill.
INTERVIEW: 100,000 Strong for TimeSplitters 4
An interview with the guys behind a powerful TimeSplitters campaign.
EDITORIAL: An Examination of Story and Character in Tellius
Time for a good old-fashioned lesson in some Fire Emblem history!
SCATTERED SHOWERS: Awesome Video Game Intros
Do you watch or skip?
STAFF PICKS: Top 6 Unrequited Loves in Video Games
Get yer hankie’s ready. This one’s a tearjerker.