It’s sink or swim time!
Everybody has an opinion. What’s ours? Opinions on the latest current events in the niche gaming community.
Last Week’s King and Kong (September 14-20, 2015): Media Gaffes
Oh, and something about Atlus and a crowdfunding game.
Making it Rainfall Week 1: Airships
Airships are the word of the day!
Last Week’s King and Kong (September 07-13, 2015): The Nintendo Edition
Nintendo giveth, and Nintendo receiveth.
Toku-talk: Go Go Godzilla!
Hail to the King of Monsters, baby.
Play Our Super Mario Maker Levels!
Created by the contributor’s of Oprainfall, We have several levels for everyone to enjoy in Super Mario Maker.
Last Week’s King and Kong (Aug. 31-Sept. 06, 2015): Kong-Jam
Lots of deserving idiots this week.
OPINION: The Pokémon Company Was Within Their Rights
Event organizers have a responsibility to adhere to the legal rights of companies and not infringe upon their intellectual properties.
OPINION: The Future of Mega Man
Here’s what I hope to see in Mega Man games in the future.
PAX Prime 2015 Cosplay Gallery
Who knew a post-apocalyptic shooter can be so popular?
VGM of the Week: Dark Pit (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
Pittoo? I wouldn’t like that nickname if I was Dark Pit either…though it is pretty funny.
Toku-talk: Jetman: The Power Rangers That Almost Was
Right before Zyuuranger was the strangely dark series Jetman.
Last Week’s King and Kong (August 17-23): Police Grumps
Time to break out the Stupid Helmet.
Last Week’s King and Kong (Aug. 3-9, 2015): Gamers vs. Scams, Konami
The one where we vote on Konami.
Last Week’s King and Kong (July 27th-August 2nd): Red Ash Real Talk
It’s time to talk about a poorly timed crowdfunding campaign.
OPINION: Red Ash Saga Has Become a Black Eye
This whole saga has been a black eye to both Comcept and Kickstarter, but there are good lessons to be learned from it.
Last Week’s King and Kong (July 20-26): Championship Quality
For my next trick, I shall try to get Randy Pitchford to stop talking about Aliens: Colonial Marines.
Last Week’s King and Kong (July 13-19, 2015): Self-Deprecation
The promised self-Konging does happen.
A Pictorial Tribute to Satoru Iwata
Farewell, Iwata-san. And we thank you.