Based on the trailer alone, Killer is Dead looks to be another stunner from the legendary Suda51.
All things Microsoft XBox
New Info, Art for Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV
Square Enix shares some official artwork for Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV, along with some more details about FFXV.
Dynasty Warriors 8 Release Date Changed for Europe
The release date for Tecmo Koei’s upcoming hack-and-slash title, Dynasty Warriors 8, has been pushed back a few days in Europe.
Namco Bandai Announces Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z
It’s an all-out brawl with Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z.
Games of the Past REVIEW: Guardian Heroes
The Saturn beat-em-up has been molded from a classic to a masterpiece.
Code of Princess Producer Interested in Developing Sequel
The Code of Princess producer talks about making a sequel following the success of the first game.
JEFF’S MUSINGS: Thank Sony for the New Xbox One
Microsoft has backed off from the controversial DRM and used games policies for the Xbox One—and Sony was the catalyst of it all.
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Contains Elements of Dark Souls
New details about Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII make us think it may be a much harder game than we originally thought.
Thief Sneaks Its Way to PS3 and Xbox 360
The Xbox 360 and PS3 ports of Thief are planned for a simultaneous release with all other versions.
New Details About Worlds, Characters & Staff of Kingdom Hearts III
Kingdom Hearts series director Tetsuya Nomura reveals some new information about the much-anticipated Kingdom Hearts III.
Yukio Futatsugi Wants Crimson Dragon to Become an RPG Franchise
Xbox One could be getting an RPG series.
Microsoft Dropping Xbox One’s Used Games, Always-Online Policies
The controversial used games and always online policies for Xbox One have been reversed. This comes straight from Don Mattrick.
E3 2013: Hands-On Impressions: A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda EX
Scott goes hands-on with run ‘n’gun platformer A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda EX for XBLA. When is blowing up robots not fun? (Answer: it’s always fun).
E3 2013: What If Final Fantasy XV Was a Musical?
Let’s see here… Thunder, Thundara, and…Greased Lightning?
E3 2013: Earth Defense Force 2025 Lands in February 2014
When a can of bug spray just isn’t enough…
New Lost Planet 3 Gameplay Footage
Almost 17 minutes of gameplay footage shows off a ton of Lost Planet 3’s campaign.
E3 2013: Final Fantasy Producer Asks If People Want Modern Turn-based Games
Yoshinori Kitase asks whether people are still interested in turn-based Final Fantasy games.
E3 2013: New Dynasty Warriors 8 Videos in English
They slice, they dice, and now they’re speaking English in Dynasty Warriors 8.
E3 2013: Capcom After The Call of Duty Crowd With Dead Rising 3
Going after the Call of Duty crowd again Capcom?
Microsoft Points Will be Exchanged for Local Currency
Money that expires?