Kingdom Hearts series director Tetsuya Nomura reveals some new information about the much-anticipated Kingdom Hearts III.
All things Microsoft XBox
Yukio Futatsugi Wants Crimson Dragon to Become an RPG Franchise
Xbox One could be getting an RPG series.
Microsoft Dropping Xbox One’s Used Games, Always-Online Policies
The controversial used games and always online policies for Xbox One have been reversed. This comes straight from Don Mattrick.
E3 2013: Hands-On Impressions: A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda EX
Scott goes hands-on with run ‘n’gun platformer A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda EX for XBLA. When is blowing up robots not fun? (Answer: it’s always fun).
E3 2013: What If Final Fantasy XV Was a Musical?
Let’s see here… Thunder, Thundara, and…Greased Lightning?
E3 2013: Earth Defense Force 2025 Lands in February 2014
When a can of bug spray just isn’t enough…
New Lost Planet 3 Gameplay Footage
Almost 17 minutes of gameplay footage shows off a ton of Lost Planet 3’s campaign.
E3 2013: Final Fantasy Producer Asks If People Want Modern Turn-based Games
Yoshinori Kitase asks whether people are still interested in turn-based Final Fantasy games.
E3 2013: New Dynasty Warriors 8 Videos in English
They slice, they dice, and now they’re speaking English in Dynasty Warriors 8.
E3 2013: Capcom After The Call of Duty Crowd With Dead Rising 3
Going after the Call of Duty crowd again Capcom?
Microsoft Points Will be Exchanged for Local Currency
Money that expires?
Dungeons and Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara – Magic User Trailer
Witness the prowess of the magic user.
E3 2013: Xbox One Targets Late 2014 For Asia
Still no word on Microsoft’s launch plans for Antarctica.
E3 2013 : DuckTales Remastered Transylvania Footage
I don’t like the look of that castle, Uncle Scrooge…
E3 2013: Dual Audio For Killer Is Dead Confirmed
Hear, hear!
Four Wii U Screenshots Released For Two Brothers
Here are four new screenshots for your viewing pleasure.
E3 2013: Character Details, Screens For Final Fantasy XV
The Fantasy is starting to look pretty darn real…
EA Discusses Strategy and Confirms Mirror’s Edge 2 is Open-world
Mirror’s Edge 2 will be an open-world action adventure game. EA plans to continue releasing fewer IPs, while making them bigger and better.
E3 2013: D4 Will Be Xbox One Exclusive
Straight from the horse’s mouth.
E3 2013: New Videos For Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z Revealed
Get ready for a wackier and more stylish take on Ninja Gaiden.