These are the titles we here at oprainfall found to be the best Nintendo exclusives.
2017 oprainfall Awards: Best Multiplatform
Which game was best on the most consoles?
2017 oprainfall Awards: Best Indie
VN, RPG, SHMUP and more fight for 1st place
2017 oprainfall Awards: Best Multiplayer Game
Who will win oprainfall’s 2017 Best Multiplayer Game?
PR: Nintendo Download for 1/18/18
Kirby is better with friends?
2017 oprainfall Awards: Best Story
There were a lot of great stories in 2017, but which one came out on top?
D3Publisher Announces Five Digital Titles for Nintendo Switch
Some good looking titles here if you are interested in sports or otome.
Nintendo Announces Their Newest Project: Nintendo Labo
Nintendo announces their do-it-yourself kits for Nintendo Switch, called Nintendo Labo.
Saturday Morning RPG Comes To Switch Retail Via Limited Run Games
Turn on the TV, break out the cereal, it’s Saturday~!
Josh’s Most Anticipated Games of 2018
2018 is shaping up nicely for gaming
2017 oprainfall Awards: Best Villain
Who is the baddest villain of them all in 2017?
2017 oprainfall Awards: Best Heroine
Which heroine is our best girl for 2017?
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood Announced Physically for Switch
Help Max find his brother on the Switch.
2017 oprainfall Awards: Best Hero
Our choices for best hero.
Immortal Redneck Heads to PS4, XB1, & Switch Soon
This is a little different.
SD Gundam G Generation Genesis Coming to Switch in April
Waiting on a date for the West.
2017 oprainfall Awards: Best Song
Sick beats!
2017 oprainfall Awards: Hottest Girl
Hot stuff incoming!
2017 oprainfall Awards: Hottest Guy
Majima pole dance FTW
2017 oprainfall awards: Best Gameplay
Which game of 2017 played the best?