Something very good is conjuring from the veteran developer of Metroid Prime
iOS News, Reviews, Previews, and More
Games of the Past REVIEW: Alphadia
Can this old-school styled JRPG for mobile devices hold its own against console games of the same variety?
Delver’s Drop is like Zelda with a Dark Side
Convicts delve into a chasm in search of wealth and freedom.
PRESS RELEASE: Symphony of the Origin
Symphony of the Origin hits North American iOS devices and it is on sale!
Final Fantasy V Arrives on iTunes Today
Five down, eight more to go.
Nameless — an RPG About Hacking
Sick of fighting monsters? Fight hackers instead.
Ms. Splosion Man to Launch on iOS By the End of March
This isn’t weird at all.
XCOM: Enemy Unknown iOS Version Announced
Well, well, well.
Shin Megami Tensei If… Lands on iOS Devices
Shin Megami Tensei If… has been rereleased on the iPhone in Japan
Sonic iOS and Android Games on Sale
Sega’s Sonic iOS and Android games are on sale this weekend.
PRESS RELEASE: GungHo Launches Version 5.0 Update for Puzzle & Dragons
Don’t underestimate simplicity.
Danmaku Unlimited 2 Blasts Into iOS
The spirit of Japanese arcade shoot-em-ups live on in this Canadian-developed portable shooter.
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Dreamfall Chapters and More
It’s a smorgasbord of projects this week.
UPDATE: Pixel’s Gero Blaster Possibly 3DS-Bound
A frog with a gun, an epic quest for love.
Metal Slug X Now Available on iOS and Android
SNK Playmore USA’s classic side-scrolling shooter arrives on mobile devices today.
Dungeon Hearts New Gameplay Trailer
If Theatrhythm and Bejeweled had a baby, this is what it would look like…
Sonic Dash Coming to an iOS Device Near You
Is your iPhone fast enough for the Blue Blur?
XSEED Games Releases Ark of the Ages On Android Mobile Devices
Another JRPG offering for smart phone devices.