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Author: Ryan Tyner
Ryan is an owner and manager of the oprainfall website, mostly managing changes needed for the website and maintenance. He also writes articles from time-to-time. His gaming interests include mostly RPGs; both Western and Japanese. Ryan has a graduate degree in psychology.
Localization Community Spotlight: Project X Zone Localization Community
We interview Matthew from the Project X Zone Localization Community
Operation Rainfall E3 Predictions
How right or wrong will we be? What are your predictions?
Monolith Soft Working on Project X Zone
The creators of Xenoblade bring you Project X Zone
More Useful Tips While Playing Xenoblade Chronicles
Have you beaten the game yet?
Theatrhythm- Chaos Shrine Mode Screens
Unlock new characters, find rare items, and play new songs!
Operation Rainfall Podcast Interview with GamerHorizon
Operation Rainfall podcast interview with GamerHorizon.
RUMOR: Retro Studios Working on Starfox Wii U?
An HD Star Fox? Yes please!
Xenoblade to be the 3rd Best Selling Game in April?
According to an analyst firm…
Xenoblade Breaks the 200k Mark after 3 Weeks
More than Europe or Japan!
Theatrhythm Character Progression Screens
Character progression gameplay of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.
25 Useful Tips While Playing Xenoblade Chronicles
Here are 25 Tips I learned while playing the game.
Mega Man Legends 3 Campaign Reaches 100k supporters!
The ball is in your court Capcom…
RUMOR: Some GameStops Have Pandora’s Tower in System? UPDATE
Pandora’s Tower coming June 20th?
Xenoblade Chronicles Once Again Available at EBgames Online
Glad to see it’s still in stock