Week three has gone by in what seems like simultaneously a crawl and blisteringly fast.
I also don’t feel like I accomplished much in Animal Crossing: New Horizons this week, actually. Sure, I made a lot of wishes on stars and a certain part of my island got upgraded… But there is clearly so much more potential there. I want to do something significant with Week Four in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and just hope that I can make it all happen!
You can check out last week’s column here.
January 15

🎶 Into the starlit night, foolish dreamers turn their gaze, waiting on a shooting star…
But what if that star is not to come? Will their dreams fade to nothing?
When the horizon darkens most, we all need to believe there is hope… 🎶
With the news announced yesterday that LUNAR Remastered Collection is coming to Nintendo Switch April 18, 2025, I couldn’t help but be reminded of those lyrics from LUNAR Silver Star Story Complete when Isabelle told me that there would be shooting stars tonight over my island.
It seemed quite truly poignant, and I found myself hanging out at the rocky, undeveloped, top edge of my island continually making wishes on the stars as they randomly shot across the sky. It is such a cool, small, random touch for my island to experience, and I cannot help but hope that my wishes will all come true.
January 16

Tonight, Redd finally visited my town for something other than a festival! And he sold me a painting!
I popped it out, and I could instantly tell that it was Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer, and I was pretty darn excited about it. While I thought about keeping it for my home, I decided instead to donate it to the museum. And Blathers was…really excited. Like, “time to build a new wing” excited! I can’t wait to see how this turns out.
I also found star fragments along the beach today, and I have absolutely no idea what to do with those.
January 17

I admittedly logged on so late last night after going out to dinner with friends that I really did not do a whole lot.
Everything was already closed, but I found that the museum, as promised, was shut down for construction!
There were also more shooting stars, and so I made a few more wishes on them. I’m going to go hunting for more star fragments tomorrow, and hopefully I’ll figure out what to do with them soon.
January 18

A busy day today in Animal Crossing: New Horizons!
First, I harvested a few crops and sold them. I then picked some fruit and sold that, too. I then turned around and buried 10,000 bells in the ground in the hopes that a tree will grow! I also gifted a kotatsu to Cephalobot, and he invited me to his home to see the redesign. I will definitely have to stop by to see it sooner or later. I also picked up another star fragment.
More importantly, my museum is finished updating! I asked Tom Nook, and he gladly held the ceremony for it. Blathers had quite a bit to say, and I then checked out the new wing. There…is not a whole lot in there at the moment besides the one painting. I definitely need to start collecting more art pieces from Redd in the future.
Finally, I went fishing! I fished at the ocean inlet on my island. And I got…a sturgeon! I needed it for my museum, and so I happily donated it. It was a relief to finally catch SOMETHING other than carp.
So. Much. Carp.
January 19

By the time I entered my island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons today, I was ready to log off and go to bed.
I stuck around long enough though to learn the Intense Reaction emotion!
I also buried 10,000 bells…and not a whole lot else.
Not everyday needs to be supremely busy in game, though, right?
January 20

Today started out with me trying to empty out my mailbox. But before I could get very far, I ended up having to go inside to deposit a bunch of new songs into my record player.
In the middle of that, Hugh came over!
I am rarely in my own home, so that was definitely a surprise. We hung out and he commentated on some of my belongings like my arcade fighting machine. Finally, he plopped down into the chair I had, and I showed off some of my emotion actions.
It was actually quite fun, and I really enjoyed myself. I hope more of my islanders visit occasionally!
January 21

I’m never quite sure what is going to happen when I start playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and today is no exception. Gulliver appeared for the first time since I started playing for my New Year’s Resolution.
I love how my fellow islanders are just like “nope, nothing to see here, keep it movin’!”
I hunted down the five communicator parts, which involved a lot more work than I expected.
You see, my shovel broke midway through digging. And so I had to use a flimsy axe that I had laying around to hack away at the trees to get more wood to build a wooden shovel that I could then turn around and use to make another proper shovel.
Gulliver was thankful that he is going to be getting off the island, and so I can’t wait to see what he will send me! He did promise to send me something…
And that’s it for this third week!
Did you play Animal Crossing: New Horizons any this week? Who is your favorite islander to have over?
Let us know in the comments below!