Another week down in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and I admittedly didn’t get a whole lot done.
And honestly? That’s okay. Not everything has to be full construction mode building on my island, and sometimes you can just make some bells, try something new, and try to live life day-by-day.
Anyway, this is how my second week went in game!
You can check out last week’s installment here.
January 8

Starting off my second week in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, I changed outfits, bought a HIDEOUS yellow-green rug from Saharah, and also paid off a bit more of my current house loan.
I also got this letter from Tybalt.
Tybalt, why did you feel like you needed to put pen to paper and send this to me through the mail?
“Snowing protein powder?” Some things are just better left as internal thoughts.
January 9

Digging up shells on the beach, I found a message in a bottle today! Intrigued, I opened it up to find a new DIY recipe for furniture!
It turns out that I never finished out the customization workshop with Tom Nook, and so I built a wooden wardrobe, and then learned how to dye it blue. I was actually quite tired in real life (I am going to bed after I finish writing this, actually!), and so I called it quits for the day there.
January 10

In a day full of snow in both real life and on my island, I spent my time today cozying up and performing some basic island maintenance. I picked a solid section of my island and I finally pulled all the weeds out of it! It was surprisingly soothing and enjoyable. By the time I was done, I had picked 40 weeds! I am holding them off until Leif visits again so I can sell them to him.
Otherwise, I met Celeste today, dug up some fossils that I sold off for bells, and visited with some of the island folx!
January 11

Life in Animal Crossing: New Horizons goes on, even when I’m not around to join in.
I logged on tonight, and discovered that I missed some sort of event today in town! I walked around to see if there was some event sponsor to talk to, but I saw absolutely no one. My villagers weren’t any help either, as they didn’t have anything to say about it.
I feel like I should try to log on during the daytime for once, instead of just in the evenings…
January 12

I have never played the ‘Stalk Market’ before in any Animal Crossing game. I don’t like risking my bells in the chance that I can remember to offload something before my week is up.
But new year, new me…and so I decided to try it out for once. I bought 50 turnips for 90 bells each, and hopefully I will be able to offload them before the week ends!
I also dug up quite a few fossils today, but I ended up having to sell them all as there was nothing my museum needed.
January 13

So, I quickly turned a profit with the turnips! I sold them for 151 bells per turnip, which means I made a profit of 61 bells per turnip!
I seriously could not unload them fast enough.
I also ran into Flick today, and I commissioned a piece of art from him. I had three damselflies on hand from wandering around and catching them, and so I turned them over at his price. He was really excited about it. This also means that I should probably clean out my inbox at some point…
I’ve been really bad about opening my mail.
January 14

Today, I fished.
I caught a Bitterfish and a Carp…and a whole lot more of the same. For whatever reason, I haven’t caught anything new in a while and it’s a little disappointing.
Other than that, I picked up a new fossil and turned it into the museum!
I also finally picked up a red corner for my gym room at my residence.
It was the end of week two for my year of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and I have great plans for next week in game!
What did you accomplish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons last week? Are you planning on picking up Alarmo when it comes to retailers this coming week?
Let us know in the comments below!