Welcome back to another episode of Eiyu*Senki – The World Conquest!
Last time we began our adventure by falling from the sky and kicking all sorts of ass. We came to discover that we are in Zipang, this world’s version of Japan. More interestingly we learned that there are heroes from across time all over the world. And that they are all female in this universe, huh.
That’s not going to stop Himiko though who has her sights set on world conquest! Which means, we’re coming along for the ride. Our first step is to take over Kyoto and open a path to Edo so we can take on Nobunaga Oda and then unite Zipang.
However, Kyoto has quite the interesting pair guarding it.
Time to recruit one of my favorite characters!
Episode 02: Kyoto, New Friends, and Training
Turn 1
Now that we have properly begun the game let’s go over a few things.
The Troops screen here shows your heroes as well as the number of troops they have in their unit. You can replenish or increase the number of troops each unit has in this screen. Make this your first stop each turn.
The Cities screen shows the various cities located around the world. Not much else you need to know about it besides that because…
The Missions menu shows any missions you can do and the city it’s located in. You’ll use this a lot as your territory expands.
Speaking of missions and cities, here’s Yamatai. Our only city for the moment. You see cities are important as they provide income each turn and can have mission available which will get you more money or items. In this case, there’s two. Let’s start with “Suppressing the Bandit Survivors.”
This is your Mission screen. Each mission requires you send at least one person and often you’ll need to meet a minimum skill requirement. In this case, we need a Search score of 2. If you’ve played Sengoku Rance then you’ll know exactly how this system works. If not, it’s still really simple.
However, since that mission requires us to fight, let’s do the other one “The Fruits of Your Labor” to earn some money.

A lot of the missions in Eiyu*Senki are just simple things that give you some interesting dialogue and some money. Don’t worry I won’t screenshot every one. But I did want to show how things work.
One final note on missions. If a character goes on a mission, they cannot be used again that turn. So make sure to plan who goes where accordingly. In this case, since I don’t want to send Takeru (our other major attacker) I’ll need to wait a turn for Chihaya to be ready to act again. So with that, let’s end our phase of Turn 1.

Ending your turn allows the computer to go, which means both Kyoto and Edo increase their forces slightly. However, don’t panic. As long as you don’t just sit around and do nothing they’ll never get too strong. In fact, you’re more likely to lose due to being underprepared for a fight more than anything else. Save and load often my friends. Anyways…
Turn 2
Let’s actually take out those bandits now!
A message arrives informing us where the bandits are hiding. Our goal is to bust in and capture them so we can learn who hired them. I’m sure Himiko has a great plan for getting that information out of them!

Clearly, she is a military mastermind…

Just like I am for forgetting that only units I send to the mission will fight. Well, looks like it’s time to show the might of the “Servant of Heaven!”
Yeah… this doesn’t go well. However, I somehow manage to win the day.

Of course the game then just turns around and mocks me for my efforts.

Just kidding. In actuality, a “Great Victory” occurs when you can complete the battle in under 25 turns. This nets you an additional 10 troops per unit. Really helpful in the early game to get your units up to speed. Anyways, seems Takeru has something to say.
Takeru’s snarky comments aside, Himiko has been doing what she does best. Dispensing tickle torture.

This leads us to get our first item! A Ruby which grants +1 Attack.

Turn 3
This thing is going straight onto Chihaya as soon as I get a second. First, though Himiko has an announcement about the bandit’s employer. Seems it’s Nobunaga.

Yeah… I’m pretty sure you tickled that out of them and Chihaya agrees. However, Honest Himiko isn’t about to let this bandit trickery stand.
I’m just gonna let Chiaya speak for me here
That’s done. Now, let’s throw that ruby on Chihaya.

One troop replenishment later, we explore Yamatai and find some rather amusing children.

At least the kids tell it like it is. Let’s check in with Takeru as she trains Chihaya though.

Well, looks like Chihaya is having an off day. I’m sure that he’s been holding his own against her though.

Or not… however Chihaya has learned one important thing

Clearly, Takeru will be part of our forces until the end of the game. Nope, don’t see any common flags for a character death or anything coming.
Turn 4
Our next turn brings us a small conversation with Himiko before giving us two more missions. The first gives us a conversation with Takeru in which we learn an important fact thanks to Chihaya’s knowledge.
Yep, indeed Takeru’s sword is the Kusanagi which means…

Takeru is the rightful ruler of Zipang apparently. But if so, why is Himiko in charge? We’ll ponder that for later. The other mission gives us some vegetables which translate into more money for us to spend. Nothing major.

Turn 5
The next turn brings us more training and hey Takeru is even praising us now
However, the joyful mood doesn’t last long as Takeru collapses. Chihaya is worried but agrees to keep it secret for now, not wanting to worry Himiko. Plus he does kinda owe Takeru for training him. Regardless, things aren’t looking great for our teacher so we’d better get to the conquering before things get worse.
So let’s declare war already. Kyoto will become ours!

After we write a letter apparently. Hey, we may want to take over everything but we’re going to follow the proper procedure, damn it. Even if it takes Himiko several tries to write a proper letter.

Well let’s see what Kyoto thinks of our declaration
Say hello to one of my favorite characters in Eiyu*Senki, Benkei. Not only does she look adorable and have awesome weapons, but she’s super strong as well.

The reason Benkei is pulling up trees and rocks is because she’s looking for her boss, Yoshitsune. Thankfully, Benkei is not stealthy in the slightest and Yoshitsune finds her easily.

And it seems like Himiko can’t even declare war properly. So much for following etiquette…

However, Yoshitsune does accept our declaration of war. Not only to see how much Himiko has grown but also because she’s curious about Chihaya.

That, of course, means she’s sent a reply. Which Himiko is eager to read
Only to learn her letter was sent back, with corrections.
Yep, Yoshitsune was Himiko’s teacher. Seems she’s a bit disappointed n her student and decides to show her how it’s done.

Well, war has been declared so we better bolster our troops and end our turn.
Turn 6
We waste no time in attack Kyoto only to find it empty. Much like Edo. Thankfully Takeru’s lessons are paying off as we avoid an attack from Yoshitsune who properly introduces herself.

But if Yoshitsune is here, where is…
Now that’s how you make an entrance. Seems she was busy with a mission of her own
Well, looks like we have our work cut out for use right off the bat. Though Takeru has another way of looking at it

Well, with that all said time to duel.
Since this is an early battle, it goes by really easily. Attack, heal with Himiko, rinse and repeat.

With our success, Yoshitsune agrees to surrender and joins us along with Benkei. Himiko takes it well.
Benkei meanwhile has a much simpler conclusion.
With that done, mission complete
Which of course means we get…
Yoshitsune and…
There’s no time to celebrate though as word of our awesome victory travels to Edo.

Guess that means she’s not gonna just surrender and be friends with us even if Benkei brought her cookies.
After this, we open up a small mission about exploring Kyoto which nets us some gold. Next turn!
Turn 7
The turn begins with talk of taking over Edo. Himiko take this opportunity to tell us about Nobunaga’s rifle core and their guns

Since Nobunaga and Himiko have already had several skirmishes, war doesn’t need to be officially declared. As such, Edo turns hostile.
Before marching on Edo however, we should check in on Himiko is handling Yoshitsune’s training.

It’s, of course, going about as well as you’d expect. Himiko sees Chihaya showing up as an excuse to slack off. So Yoshitsune decides to tell us a story. A story about Himiko being stuck in a tree.
After that riveting tale and Himiko agreeing to study… her trust in us grows?

Ok, well technically we did praise her for studying hard, but still. No love for Yoshitsune? At least we get a ruby out of it.
Which goes right on Yoshitsune. However, we aren’t done with side missions as we find a letter in our room.

Well, looks like we’re going to have a secret rendezvous considering this is an eroge after all. Wonder who is it?
Oh crap….

Double crap!
Well… at least we survived? Still, holy hell Takeru, was that really necessary?

Turns out yes, since Takeru wanted to show us her true potential while she still can

Takeru collapses after this which means we need to bring her back to base and get her treatment. Which leads to Himiko finding out about Takeru’s condition. She, of course, takes it well

In all seriousness, this is the correct move. Takeru is in no condition to fight and she needs someone like Himiko to force her to stand down and rest. This leads to another conversation on the next turn.
Turn 8
Takeru basically drops a lot of plot here, which I’m going to leave to you to learn about yourselves. However, the key things that occur here are that we gain the Kusanagi.

Also, sadly, Takeru leaves our forces.

Kind of a downer way to end the episode huh? Sadly, that is all for this time.
Next week, we continue our quest to unit Zipang with the battle for Edo.

Additional Thoughts and Notes:
Wow, a lot happened this episode. I’ve tried to summarize things as best I can, but 8 turns is quite a lot for one update. I may have to consider breaking these down into either smaller chunks or summarizing a lot more. Let me know what you think in the comments.
As for what actually happens, we’re still very much laying the groundwork for things to come. While I am leaving out some key plot points, you should still have a good idea of what’s going on. Or at the least, it should appear there’s a logical sense of progression. Speaking of progress though, let’s talk about Benkei and Yoshitsune.

I love these two, especially Benkei. Benkei is just flat out adorable and you want to give her a hug. Plus she has a rake as a weapon. I love crazy-awesome stuff like that. We’ll touch more upon her personal story later on, but I tend to use her a lot as a defensive wall so we’ll be seeing plenty of her.

Yoshitsune is a good early game attacker and a great replacement for Takeru in the upcoming fight. As a character, I do like her, plus she’s strict with Himiko. Which leads to lots of fun stuff. However, she has a few secrets of her own as you’ll come to learn during your playthrough.
Thanks for reading! If you’re looking for more Eiyu*Senki awesomeness then check out our review of the PS3 version of the game and my other news posts below:
- REVIEW: Eiyuu Senki – The World Conquest (PS3 version)
- (18+) Get Ready To Conquer The World Again With Eiyu*Senki On PC
- Eiyu*Senki – The World Conquest Invades Steam To Bring World Peace
- (18+) Eiyu*Senki Directors Cut DLC Now Available From JAST USA
If you haven’t picked up a copy of Eiyu*Senki you can grab a copy from these fine places below.
- Eiyuu Senki – PS3
- Eiyu*Senki – The World Conquest – Steam Version
- (18+) Eiyu*Senki – The World Conquest – JAST USA Digital Version
- (18+) Eiyu*Senki – The World Conquest – JAST USA Director’s Cut DLC
- (18+) Eiyu*Senki – The World Conquest – J-List Physical Editions
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Ja Matta! ^_^