Hey guys and gals. This is gonna be another short Nintendo Download, but it’s also going to be a sweet one. Why, you ask? Well, because this Download has something no previous entry has ever had – an anime! Yes, I’m as surprised as you are, but there are also some interesting games this week. Not a lot, mind you, but enough to take a quick look.

Yes, none other than Azure Striker Gunvolt, everybody’s favorite new blue bom… er, blue striker has gotten his own anime! This episode is a standalone OVA and about as long as a normal TV episode. It also features the original Japanese voice cast and is dubbed in English, for those of us who want to know what’s going on. I admit I’ve never watched an anime on my 3DS, but I’m sorely tempted to check this one out. For fans of Inticreates and Gunvolt, it’s a must watch, and should be an interesting artistic experiment.

On the Virtual Console front, we have a classic GBA game in the form of Mario vs. Donkey Kong. Puzzle your way to success, and don’t forget to collect the mechanical Mini-Marios as you do. Though I’ve personally never been a huge fan of this series, it is a fun little puzzle game for those so inclined.
As far as sales this week, there aren’t very many new or exciting. I think we all got a bit spoiled by the January savings, and February has been somewhat of a letdown. I can only imagine that’s because Nintendo has almost all of its eggs in the Switch basket now. Nevertheless, there are a couple of decent savings to be had. First up, there is The Legend of Kusakari, which looks like a comedic Zelda inspired game. The catch? Your goal isn’t to crush monsters, but to leave no blades of grass standing! No, not joking. It’s discounted to $2.49, which isn’t bad for a nice looking, albeit weird, title. Next up is Shadow Puppeteer, which reminds me a lot of Lost in Shadow, just with a more cutesy aesthetic. You make use of foreground and background to get you and your shadow safely through levels. This game has certainly been nominated for a lot of accolades, so you might want to check it out now that it’s discounted to $10.49. Those are the only noteworthy ones this week, but you can view the entire list here.
Finally this week, there is one new title that might be worth a look. Called Parascientific Escape – Gear Detective, this is the sequel to Parascientific Escape – Cruise in the distant seas. Players make use of their PSI powers to find clues and solve mysteries. The specific hook this time is Chronokinesis, which lets you back in time up to 5 days. If nothing else, the series looks well drawn, and has a compelling premise.
That’s it for this week! Join us next week at oprainfall for the Nintendo Download, and hopefully we’ll have many more games to share with you then.