
Renault is introduced as a Bishop towards the end of Fire Emblem. He chose to live a life of solitude on the Dread Isle to repent for his past sins. His backstory is a difficult one to decipher, requiring the player to play through the game several times and read all of his support conversations. Even after all this effort, piecing together his entire life is difficult to do. He is a character shrouded with mystery and through his support conversations you get this feeling that his past is indeed quite a dark and pitiful one. One particular quote sheds some light on his dark past: “When Nergal first created his morphs, he was not alone. He had one assistant. A mercenary who wanted desperately to bring back a friend he has lost in battle. This mercenary volunteered freely for Nergal’s experiments, knowing they would make him less than human…”

There is a lot to talk about regarding Renault. Similar to Nergal he is a deeply pitiful character. Unlike Nergal, he didn’t give into the darkness during his hour of need but instead turned inward and isolated himself to repent. One example is that we find out that he is the killer of Lucius’s (a playable monk) parents. To Lucius: “Forgive me, son. In those days… I only thought of myself… I trespassed against many in my singular drive to regain the friend I lost…and to satiate my own…monstrous greed. I even sacrificed… the lives of others… Forgive me… Please…forgive…me……”  Another wonderful quote further reveals how sorry he is for what he has done. “I…lost a friend. A man I could have called brother. But when he died, I knew nothing of prayers, of forgiveness. I only knew how to bash another man’s skull… So I cast aside my weapons and knelt for the first time… to mourn my fallen friend.” I feel so sorry for Renault.  You can tell through his words that he truly is sorry from the bottom of his heart for his past actions.


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