Final Fantasy V has arrived for Kindle Fire and Android, via the Amazon Appstore.
Tag: Square Enix
Three Final Fantasy Explorers Jobs in Action
The Knight, Monk, and the Black Mage shows off their monster killing prowess.
Final Fantasy Explorers Dated in Japan
Japanese gamers will get to beat up FF monsters with their friends this coming December.
Square Enix Releases More Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX Screenshots
See characters and scenes from Birth By Sleep in HD!
Square Enix Sale on PSN
Saving you money, one game at a time.
New Bravely Second Screens Show Off Towns and Jobs
New screenshots for Bravely Second show off the setting, characters, and jobs.
Dragon Quest IV Mobile Ports Heading West
At least we’re getting this Dragon Quest game.
Bravely Default Hits One Million Sales Worldwide
Bravely Default has hit a milestone in sales.
Kingdom Hearts χ[chi] Still Has Chance of Western Release
So yes, you too may become a Keyblade Master yet!
Campaign Hub: Operation Hero Visits Japan Expo 2014
Operation Hero’s first look at Japan Expo 2014 in France.
CAMPAIGN HUB: Operation Hero Dragon Quest Campaign
Operation Hero is campaigning to get Dragon Quest 7 on 3DS and Dragon Quest 10 localized outside of Japan.
(Japan) Dragon Quest X Coming to Ninendo 3DS
Dragon Quest X is set to bring its take on the MMORPG to the Nintendo 3DS.
What do you think of the improvements so far?
Square Enix Offering Free Final Fantasy Lanyard With Any $200 Purchase
What will they think of next?
Final Batch of Drakengard 3 DLC Releases Today
Drakengard DLC incoming.
Building Character: Squall Leonhart
Final Fantasy VIII‘s Squall Leonhart—a sullen, self-centered prick by any other name would still be an emo jerk.
Artwork, Screenshots Released for Final Fantasy Explorers
Square Enix has released more artwork and screenshots of their upcoming 3DS-exclusive action RPG Final Fantasy Explorers.
Some Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Voice Actors Revealed
And reprising their roles in Agito, too.
Final Fantasy Explorers Coming to 3DS
Final Fantasy Explorers gets announced for the 3DS.