For those of you who have been clamoring for Square Enix to release a classic JRPG. I think I found your game.
Tag: Square Enix
E3 Impressions: Final Fantasy XV: Not Quite That Intuitive
Not necessarily a bad game, but definitely not a great demo.
I am Setsuna Belongs on the PlayStation Vita
I am Setsuna is a classic RPG for old gamers and new ones alike.
E3 Hands On: Does Dragon Quest Builders Stand Out?
Did the Dragon Quest Builders demo at E3 2016 push the sandbox genre further, or is it a reskinned clone of Mojang’s Minecraft with a heavier focus on storyline?
E3 2016: Boss Battle Footage Of Nier: Automata
Everything I could have ever hoped!
E3 2016: Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age Gameplay Footage
The wait will be worth it.
E3 2016: Final Fantasy XV: A King’s Tale Screenshots
Looks as much fun as the main game!
E3 2016: Tetsuya Nomura Sheds More Light on Kingdom Hearts 2.8
And I thought the titles of these games couldn’t get more complicated.
E3 2016: Star Ocean’s Last Log
Is there a captain in this game? Could it be a captain’s log?
E3 2016: Square Enix Lineup at E3
The list just goes on and on and on!
E3 2016: NieR Automata Releases Early 2017
The release date is nier…
Final Fantasy Type-0 Online is Coming West
Square Enix is bringing us more Final Fantasy!
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Releases December, E3 Trailer
New E3 2016 trailer.
OPINION: A Brief Analysis of Final Fantasy Disease
Is there a cure for this disease? That is entirely up to you.
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age Announced
We all knew this was coming at some point.
Square Enix Shares 15 Facts About Upcoming RPG I Am Setsuna
Fact sheet alert!
Chrono Trigger Director Wants It Remade
An HD Chrono Trigger?
Romancing SaGa 2 Coming to Vita in the West
An exciting announcement by the SaGa team.
Dissidia Final Fantasy Shows off Summon Update
Summons are now available.
PR: Romancing SaGa 2 Now Available for Mobile Devices
Kinda pricey…