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Tag: Square Enix
The Humble Store Spring Sale Encore
Hundreds of games back on sale.
Final Fantasy XV May Update Features Trendy Outfit, and Stinky Tofu
Dont forget to take the in-game survey about future updates and DLC.
Fan Registration For Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Festa Now Open
Fantasy comes alive in Paris this July
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time for PS4 Heads West
The wait will be much shorter than the end of time.
Dragon Quest XI 3DS and PS4 Box Art Revealed
Akira Toriyama, you’ve outdone yourself again.
What Makes An RPG & Why I Love Them
Games are a fun pastime and without having found my love of RPGs, I’m certain they would’ve been left behind in my childhood.
TBT REVIEW: Terranigma
All of Creation has stopped and destiny itself is in your hands…
Final Fantasy XV’s April Update Adds Ranked Time Battles & More
More than mere “bug fixes”
TBT REVIEW: Illusion of Gaia
The second entry in the Soul Blazer/ Gaia trilogy, but the definitive game in the series
Square Enix Streams Footage of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age in Action
Level grinding looks like it will take half the time.
New Details On Dragon Quest XI’s Skill Panel, Spell Of Resurrection
I put a spell on you.
Dragon Quest Heroes II Final Meet the Heroes Trailer Released
Who’s your favorite?
Square Enix is Bringing New Content to NieR: Automata
You can also test your might against the CEOs of Square Enix and Platinum Games.
Ariana Grande Returns to Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Ariana Grande is back in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.
TBT REVIEW: Soul Blazer
Soul Blazer, first in the Gaia Series and still holds up 25 years later
I Am Setsuna’s Temporal Battle Arena DLC Launches Tomorrow Exclusively On Switch
Exclusive to one platform, but free nonetheless
(Japan) Flame X Blaze Now Available
Destroy your opponents!
Square Enix Reprints Nier For The PAL Region
Would have been good to remaster, but this is a fine option too.
Dragon Quest XI Launches On PS4 & 3DS In Japan July 29th
Launch includes a deluxe two-version bundle, Slime-themed DualShock 4