New information has been revealed on Kodokawa Games’ visual novel including box art, voice cast and Famitsu scans.
Tag: PS4
New Final Fantasy XV Trailer Premiers
Square Enix is pulling out all the stops with their Final Fantasy XV media blitz with this new trailer.
New Editions Announced for Final Fantasy XV
If you want the Ultimate Collector’s Edition, you may want to get ready to quickly preorder tonight.
Final Fantasy XV Release Date Announced
We finally have a release date for the long awaited Final Fantasy XV.
PS Plus Free Games for the Month April 2016
The free PS Plus games for April have been announced, a pretty interesting batch this month.
PR: March Update for Street Fighter V Live
The first major Street Fighter V update, and the long awaited return of Alex.
New Characters and Features Revealed In Ys VIII
We learn new stuff about Ys VIII!
PSN Weekly: Week of 3/28/2016
Lot of interesting releases this week for the niche Japanese and indie gamers.
REVIEW: Nights of Azure
With darkness spreading across the land will this new IP be completed covered or shine through like a powerful beacon?
PR: Nights of Azure now available in North America
Gust’s latest original IP action RPG is out now.
Star Ocean 5 Creators Changed Miki’s Panties To Avoid Western Criticism
Someone got a change, alright.
REVIEW: Chronicles of Teddy: Harmony of Exidus
This beautiful indie houses the heart of a demon. We review this very old school indie game.
REVIEW: Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Fortune
Bikini babes, volleyball and gambling await you in Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Fortune.
Toukiden 2 New Official Trailer
Hopefully a localization won’t be too far off.
Utawarerumono: The Two Hakouros Dated in Japan
Aquaplus have dated Utawarerumono: The Two Hakouros for it’s Japanese release, as well as detail platforms and the limitd edition.
REVIEW: Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault
But when you are spinning your city around, how many citizens puke all over the walls?
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir Alchemy and Cooking Trailer
Vanillaware continues to be the king of depicting food in games.
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X PS4 Visuals
Miku’s looking pretty good on the PS4.
Yakuza 6 goes Japanese Idol for Hostess Spot
Even if you don’t know Japanese we’ve got you covered if you want to vote for your favourite competitor!
Dark Souls III Launch Trailer
Less than two weeks to go!