It boggles the mind that games can look this beautiful now.
Tag: PC
REVIEW: Trulon: The Shadow Engine
Uh-oh, another card game. Here’s hoping it’s better than most.
Dragon Fin Soup: Extra Chunky Edition Announced
Extra Chunky!
Tracer has a new pose in Overwatch!
Tracer’s new pose aims to please!
PR: Stikbold Launches Across Several Platforms
Developed by Game Swing, and Published by Curve Digital, Stikbold is a dodgeball adventure game (inspired by the 70s and its athletes) that is launching today.
PR: Total War: WARHAMMER – New Monsters Revealed
Creative assembly has revealed videos of two new units in the upcoming Total War: WARHAMMER Vampire Counts campaign.
Are you ready to Enter The Gungeon?
Hope you brought a LOT of bullets…
Enter the Gungeon Release Trailer Features Guns
Dodge Roll Games are firing off on all cylinders for their game’s release and they’ve got a special launch trailer to celebrate.
PR: Impulse feeling Impulsive for Release April 6th
NewWestGames latest Phoenix Wright-esque visual novel will have the band ‘Impulse’ repulsing bad guys while solving a deadly murder.
The Collider 2 Offers Full VR Support with HTC Vive and Oculus Rift
Full VR support on HTC Vive and Oculus Rift right from the start. It’s intuitive, exciting and faster than anything you’ve seen before.
PR: Möira Reaches Crowdfunding Goal
Onagro studios sent out a press release detailing the success of their color bending, Kirby-like game with extra details to look out for in the future.
Major PS4 Update Releases Tomorrow
Remote play is the highlight, but this is a very meaty update all around.
REVIEW: Stardust Galaxy Warriors
You got your RPG in my space shooter, we review whether that was a good idea.
D.T.: The New Dating Sim That Dares To be Different
It’s Raining Games Studio has really put their money where their mouths are to bring us this exciting new visual novel!
PR: Total War: WARHAMMER – New Vampire Counts Campaign Gameplay Revealed
The folks at Creative Assembly have revealed some new gameplay focusing on the new Vampire Counts campaign for Total War: WARHAMMER.
Code of Princess On It’s Way to Steam
The big PC port …someone was waiting for.
Inferno Climber Now a PC Exclusive
When was the last time something like this happened?
Guilty Gear 2 – Overture Available on Steam
If you are interested in an action brawler set in the Guilty Gear universe, check this game out.
PR: Jay and Silent Bob Game Successfully Funded
The slackers didn’t slack hard enough this time and actually got something done.
Wounded Kickstarter Wants to Leave You Wound Up
This game wound one of our writers up tight but something isn’t quite right with this horror campaign.