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Tag: News
Aksys Games Announces Aegis of Earth for PlayStation
Metropolis Defenders is bringing brought over to North America under a new name.
Don Bluth Goes to Kickstarter For Dragon’s Lair Movie
It’s time for Dirk the Daring to travel with the big screen, but he can only do this with crowdfunding help.
The Next Bomberman Game Is for Smartphones
Konami heard you all wanted a new Bomberman game so they decided to make it for smartphones and not for consoles.
Ace Attorney 6 Lets You Play With Phoenix Wright And Apollo Justice
A new chapter in the Ace Attorney series is on its way.
Project Spark is Ending Microtransactions For Full Free Model
The end of microtransactions in Project Spark is a win for all gamers and Xbox One owners.
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes Trailer Released
Link takes a note from Cloud as new gameplay details are revealed in a preview trailer.
Sony Not Planning to Create a PlayStation Vita Successor
While the news is not going to surprise anyone, its sad to hear Sony’s handheld ventures are going to end with the Vita.
Final Fantasy V Is Now Available on PC
Final Fantasy V is now available on PC with the “enhanced” graphics and GBA extras attached.
Retro VGS Aims to Bring Back Cartridge Based Gaming
Taking inspiration from a 90s console, The Retro VGS wants to take you back to cartridge based gaming.
Amazon Fire TV Gaming Edition Releasing Next Month
Amazon’s newest model of the Fire TV is focused on gaming.
Nintendo Plans to Continue Creating Nintendo Direct Videos
Nintendo Direct videos will go on as planned according to Nintendo themselves.
New Zygarde Forms Revealed in CoroCoro Magazine
See the different forms of Zygarde for the first time. Pokémon Z may possibly be a reality based on the upcoming anime arc.
Zombie Vikings to Receive Physical Edition Release for PS4
Does exclusive content entice you to pick up the physical release over the digital release?
Best Buy Has a Super Mario Maker Deal for North America
An opportunity to get Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, or Super Smash Bros. Wii U at a reduced price.
Aqua Blue PlayStation Vita Announced For GameStop
Aqua Blue Colored PlayStation Vita System heading exclusively to GameStop stores in North America this November.
Cave Shooters Coming to Steam Sometime This Winter
The famous and iconic developer, Cave, plans to release their games on Steam starting sometime this winter.
Vs. Excitebike heading to the Wii U Virtual Console
An enhanced version of Excitebike is coming to the Wii U Virtual Console. This is an enhanced version of the original Excitebike with extra features.
Frozenbyte Responds to Trine 3 Feedback
Frozenbyte releases statement on Trine 3 in response to the game’s negative feedback and explains some things that occurred behind the scenes.
PlayStation Vita Settlement Messages Sent Out to Early Adopters
Early adopters of the PlayStation Vita should check their email inbox for a settlement.