OPINION: Why Pandora’s Tower Matters Part 2

UPDATE: Pandora’s Tower has been announced for North America, published by XSEED Games, and scheduled to be released Spring 2013! Pandora’s Tower was released in Europe on Friday, the 13th of April, 2012.  The game has yet to be confirmed for a North American release.  Of the three games Operation Rainfall is campaigning for, Pandora’s […]

Editorials OPINIONS Wii U

Pondering a North American Release for Pandora’s Tower

UPDATE: Pandora’s Tower has been announced for North America, published by XSEED Games, and scheduled to be released Spring 2013! Three months ago I began work on a four part article series for Operation Rainfall’s month long celebration of The Last Story.  Titled “Pondering a North American Release for The Last Story”, the series contemplated […]