Gen Kobayashi, best known for The World Ends With You, designed the characters.
Tag: android
CAPCOM Releasing 4 Arcade Classics to Android and iOS
CAPCOM is releasing 4 arcade classics on iOS and Android over the next few months.
Attack on Moe Now Available on Mobile Devices
You should have some sort of idea about the game just by the name.
Tales of the Rays Gets First Official Promotional Trailer
This looks very similar to the Tales of remakes on the Vita….
Corpse Party: Blood Drive Now on iOS & Android
There’s a sale for it to celebrate the release.
Dungeon Rushers Journeys From PC to Mobile February 23rd
Dungeon crawl on your phone.
AKIHABARA Launched on Steam, Android, and iOS Today
AKIHABARA Feel the Rhythm launched today on three platforms.
REVIEW: Pocket Kingdom
A pocket-sized adventure is contained within Pocket Kingdom.
Strategy Smartphone Title Pokemon Duel Now Out On iOS and Android
A new smartphone release draws near!
REVIEW: My Horse Prince
Note to self: Why did I play this game again?
Mystic Messenger Developer Donates $100,000 to Charities
Cheritz used profits from Mystic Messenger.
Kemco Releases Fairy Elements for Android Today
Another day, another Kemco RPG for a mobile device.
Rewrite IgnisMemoria Announced for Android and iOS
The world of Rewrite is coming to mobile phones.
Sony Announces Mobile Ports and Reboots of old JRPGS in Japan
Sony unveils numerous projects for mobile phones, including reboots from Wild Arms and Arc the Lad!
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Now On Android
Now everyone has it.
REVIEW: Crashlands
Crafting a saw can be very sawesome.
New “Super Mario Run” Details Revealed, Release Date Confirmed
Super Mario Runner details confirmed with pricing and date.
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius and Brave Frontier Collaborate
Double the brave.
Guardian Codex Now Available on Mobile
Guardian Codex launches on Android and iOS devices with some bonuses.
New Final Fantasy Title Teased For Mobile Devices
I guess everyone wanted another one.