Warning: This does contain spoilers for certain games.

Happy Halloween, everybody.  I hope all of you in the Northeast will get back on your feet soon enough.  For those of you with power, we have something special for you today: A TOP 10 LIST!

Okay, maybe not the most original thing on the site but hey, it’s all about scary enemies!

I need to bring this up because it’s been bugging me since the beginning of the month.  We took a staff poll of what special Top 10 we should do for today.  On it, we had things like Haunted Houses and Creepers.  Instead, a number of staff decided to be bland and vote for Scariest Enemies.

To you, the reader, I would like to apologize.  To the staff members that voted for this, I’d like to say, “YOU’RE BORING!”

Anyways, have you ever had an encounter with an enemy in a game that scared you so much that you crapped your pants?  Have you ever pissed yourself as you were attacked from monsters from the abyss?  Has a character in a game made you curl up in the fetal position for hours?

Yeah, none of those guys make it on here.  And I apologize for that.  Instead, we have list of creepy but not necessarily scary enemies because our staff is apparently made up of non-horror game playing freaks.

Actually, I take that back.  I actually have never played a game that was scary since Catacombs: The Abyss.  I’ve played games with scary moments but none that were inherently scary.  And, unfortunately, so has most of the staff.

So, before we get to what we voted for, here is what we didn’t:


  • The Hospital Nurses from Silent Hill 2
  • Crimson Heads from Resident Evil
  • Metroids from the Metroid series
  • Nemesis from Resident Evil 3
  • Lady Mamiya from Sweet Home
  • LAST MAN CUT: Broken Neck from Fatal Frame

Now, on with the show:

10. The Lickers from Resident Evil

Scariest Enemies Licker

Lickers are some scary creatures.  They’re a mutation of regular zombies that makes them quicker and more powerful.  They also don’t have any skin.  So, yeah, you can see their brains.

The thing that makes the Lickers deadly is their elongated tongue.  Not only is it longer but it is extremely powerful and can decapitate.  Talk about a tongue lashing.


9. Slenderman from Slender

Seriously.  We have people on staff that are scared of THIS GUY:

Scariest Enemies Slenderman

Come on!  How can you be scared of this guy?!

Scariest Enemies Slenderman


Scariest Enemies Slenderman

In their defense, Slender is a creepy game.  I wouldn’t say that Slenderman is scary (just for the fact that I first saw him in LittleKuriboh’s videos) but he’s definitely not a guy you don’t want chasing you in the dark.

*The preceding images were taken from Concrete Giraffes by CardGamesFTW.  Animation was done by RocketGal.*


8. Samus Aran-X from Metroid Fusion

Because what can be scarier than a heartless version of yourself?

Scariest Enemies SA-X

…Maybe something scary?

Well, not all of us have the tools and skills that Samus Aran has, which makes her exact evil doppelganger scary (at least in thought).

I’m sorry.  I don’t know how to justify how some of our staff voted for this.  How about you guys go on to Page 2?  I need to whip the people that voted for this.

Jeff Neuenschwander
Jeff has been a supporter of the website and campaign since the beginning. Joining in for E3 2012, he worked his way up the ranks quickly, making it to the Editing Manager post at the beginning of 2013. Jeff has a wide variety of tastes when it comes to gaming and pretty much likes anything that is quirky, although his favorite genres are Action, Platforming, and RPG. Outside of gaming, Jeff is a musician, being trained as a trombonist for Jazz and Classical music, and holds a degree in Sound Recording.