Today Idea Factory International has announced an update for the console releases of Little Witch Nobeta.
Xuan Yuan Sword: Mists Beyond the Mountains Heads West
Coming to Switch and PC.
New Trailer for Next Madoka Magica Film Released
The magical girls return.
Trails of Cold Steel III and IV – PS5 Release Date Announced
In addition to the release date announcement, NIS America has also put out a new gameplay trailer.
oprainfall Week in Gaming: Oct 22 – 28
Check out what the crew has been playing in our downtime!
oprainfall Week in Anime & Manga: Oct 22 – 28
Check out what anime, manga, and light novels oprainfall is enjoying every week.
The Art of River City Girls Book Now Available from Fangamer
Do you like the art in River City Girls? Then you might want to pick this up.
Cooking Eorzea Week 40: Mole Loaf
In this week’s Cooking Eorzea column, I make Mole Loaf and talk about what being a “Brave Little Spark” means to me.
The MangaGamer Spookyween Sale Is Here!
‘Tis the spooky season!
JAST Halloween Sale Scares Up Some Great Deals
This year’s JAST Halloween Sale has some scary good deals!
Mario Party 3 is Coming to Nintendo Switch
The game will be available to play for anyone subscribed to Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack.
Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 Sneaks onto Consoles & PC Today
Grab your bandanna and favorite pack of cigarettes.
CRYMACHINA is Now Available
A small selection of Limited Edition copies are still available for PS5 and there are still plenty available for PS4.
11 Enemies from FINAL FANTASY XI Online that NEED to be in FFXIV’s ECHOES OF VANA’DIEL
I pick out 11 enemies from FINAL FANTASY XI Online that are be perfect for the Echoes of Vana’diel raids in FINAL FANTASY XIV Online.
REVIEW: Another World Mahjong Girl
Having said I would cover it should EastAsiaSoft ever put out a Riichi mahjong game rather than Mahjong solitaire, I took on this review.
oprainfall Week in Gaming: Oct 15-21
Check out what the crew has been playing in our downtime!
Cuisineer – Digital Deluxe Edition Announced
The Digital Deluxe Edition will come with both a digital soundtrack and a digital artbook, in addition to the base game.
Gears of Dragoon Out Now on JAST and Steam
JAST has released Ninetail’s fantastic Dungeon Crawler Gears of Dragoon: Fragments of a New Era.
oprainfall Week in Anime & Manga: Oct 15-21
Check out what anime, manga, and light novels oprainfall is enjoying every week.
Blue Archive JP Announces Collab with A Certain Scientific Railgun
Misaka and friends visit Kivotos!