Bandai Namco set to announce another game in the ‘Tales of’ series.
Operation Rainfall Podcast Interview with GamerHorizon
Operation Rainfall podcast interview with GamerHorizon.
Rumor: Wii U to be priced at $300
According to the blog Forget The Box, the Wii U will be priced at about $300. The estimated worth of the components reportedly cost around $180, which would mean that Nintendo would be making a profit off of every system sold. The article goes on to explain the cost of every little thing that […]
Japan Getting a Re-release of Ni No Kuni
It seems Japan gets all the good stuff. In a recent announcement, Level-5 stated it will be readying a budget release of the PS3 version of Ni No Kuni in Japan, which includes all the DLC you could previously purchase on the Playstation Network. Included is a new difficulty mode (Easy Mode), and new Imagine creatures from GREE’s […]
RUMOR: XSEED Looking to Pursue a Limited Edition for The Last Story
Limited Edition and a July Release?
We still know almost nothing about Soul Sacrifice
We learned one thing about Sony’s upcoming Vita game.
Sony Promises 20 New Titles at E3
Sony is debuting 20 titles at E3 this year.
Fatal Frame 2 Wii Upgrades
We learn more about Fatal Frame as it creeps closer to its release date
RUMOR: Retro Studios Working on Starfox Wii U?
An HD Star Fox? Yes please!
Ys Origins is coming to Steam
Localized but only on Steam
Dragon’s Dogma Developer Diaries Posted By Capcom
On May 2nd, Capcom released two Dragon’s Dogma Developer’s Diaries. The videos are full of insights into the development and features of Dragon’s Dogma. The game is shaping up to be a promising adventure. Here’s hoping that Capcom follows through with the experience. If you have not yet read our preview of Dragon’s Dogma, you […]
Fire Emblem 3DS Gets Even More Cameos
Lots of DLC for this one…
What Is Monolith Soft Working On Now?
From Chrono Cross to Xenoblade, what is next?
Xenoblade to be the 3rd Best Selling Game in April?
According to an analyst firm…
3DS will get Western Support
Western games on my 3ds? What?!
Grand Knight History: XSEED No Longer Publishing
XSEED Chooses not to Publish
Project X Zone Localization Discussion From Capcom
Capcom Employees Discuss Project X Zone Localization
Persona 4 Golden Coming This Fall
One of the best RPGs gets even better!
Xenoblade Breaks the 200k Mark after 3 Weeks
More than Europe or Japan!
Theatrhythm Character Progression Screens
Character progression gameplay of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.