A new launch trailer has just been released for Tales of Xillia 2!
Square Enix Releases Chrono Trigger for Android
The classic SNES JRPG Chrono Trigger is now available for Android.
Retro Wrap-Up: Silent Hill Edition
There was a HOLE here. It’s gone now.
Two Brothers Announced for WiiU eShop Next Year
Akk Studios has revealed a new game for the WiiU eShop called ‘Two Brothers.’
Bravely Default: Praying Brage Announced
The game is coming to PC and will be free to play
Shadowgate is Getting a Remake With Kickstarter Support
Shadowgate, a Mac and NES point and click adventure, is getting an exciting new remake.
Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment Release Date Announced
A release date has been announced for the new Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment PSP game by Namco Bandai!
New Animal Crossing: New Leaf Trailer for the 3DS
The trailer for the new Animal Crossing game has been released, come catch a look!
Star Citizen Achieves $2,000,000 Goal
After 16 days of crowdfunding, Chris Roberts’ Star Citizen has achieved its US$2,000,000 goal.
Fire Emblem: Awakening’s First English Trailer
Fire Emblem: Awakening gets its first English trailer! Take a look and get excited!
Nintendo Download: October 25th (North America)
October 25th Nintendo Direct Recap: Holiday Releases, Fire Emblem, and Beyond
Anyone who says there are no games on 3DS is sorely mistaken.
Press Release: Persona 4 Golden Full Trailer Released!
Have you pre-ordered it yet?
Win a Trip to Distant Worlds through the Final Fantasy Super Fan Contest
Are you Final Fantasy’s biggest Super Fan? Prove it to Square Enix and win VIP tickets to Paris’s Distant Worlds concert!
Media Create Weekly Software Sales October 15-21
This week miniature plastic model robots top the Japanese charts
Tales of Hearts R Announced for the PlayStation Vita
Hopefully this time it gets localized.
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus Available on XBLA
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus is now on Xbox Live Arcade.
Generation of Chaos: Pandora’s Reflection Official Trailer Released
Sting’s continuous effort in not letting the PSP die out.
Under Defeat HD Deluxe Edition Release Date for the UK
Be ready to experience all the added bonuses in the UK release of Under Defeat HD Deluxe Edition.
Launch Trailer for The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki – Evolution
The launch trailer for The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki – Evolution