Sega registers 7th Dragon 2020 trademark and we speculate on what it could mean.
New Trailer & Release Date Announced for Sine Mora on PS3 and Vita
A great Shmup now on the go!
Foreign Wrap-Up: Wario Edition (Part 2)
Gluttony is also good.
Hero-U Developers Reveal First Stretch Goal as Kickstarter Deadline Nears
At $500,000 (USD), the Hero-U developers will add a Meep companion and “more art and content.”
New Free DLC Coming Out for PlayStation All-Stars!
Two new characters will be joining the PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale roster early next year!
Xenoblade & The Last Story VGA Nominees!
Please vote for these two great titles!
A Look Into The God and Fate Revolution Paradox
A look into some skills, and how Cinderella fits in to The God and Fate Revolution Paradox.
RUMOR: Nintendo Spain Media Event, Surprise Localization Titles
Project X Zone and Bravely Default? Quit teasing us!
Press Release: Aksys Offering Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward Watches for Relief Efforts
Gift for a good cause.
Nintendo Download: November 15th (North America)
Things are about to get a little more epic.
Atelier Totori Plus: Meat and Maps and Swimsuits
Atelier Totori Plus gets three-dozen new screenshots in advance of its Japanese release. Yet another addition to the Vita’s growing JRPG library.
Second Trailer for Little Inferno Released
Burn, singe and melt your way to… err something.
New Petition Can Make a Timesplitters HD Collection Possible
Spread the word!
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Wii U Japanese Commericials & Trailer
Do you feel the hype?
DmC: Devil May Cry Demo Invites Us To Limbo City Early
Plus, some details on Vergil DLC.
Guxt is Coming to the 3DS eShop
The retro style shmump Guxt is headed for the Nintendo 3DS eShop.
UPDATE: Chrono Phantasma Arcade Dated for Japan, New Character and Artwork
Hopefully this will soon be coming our way!
Media Create Weekly Software Sales November 05-11
Animal Crossing: New Leaf rakes in the Bells for Tom Nook
Tales of Hearts R New Character Announcement
Another reason in the long list of why we hope it comes over.
Monster Monpiece State of Undress
A look into the outfits before and after.