Demon Gaze, is an RPG for the PlayStation Vita to be released in Japan on January 24, 2013. Here we get a closer look into the Characters of the game.
RUMOUR: Xbox 720 Set for Holiday Season 2013?
In time for Thanksgiving, apparently.
AKSYS Games Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts
Aksys games Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts Watch Sale information.
Cave Reveals the ‘Cave Collection’ on Amazon.Japan
Some of the best bullet hell shooter around, all in one package.
Natsume Offering Cow Plushie For Their Holiday Special
Well it is the season of giving.
Leviathan and Ghost Mode Revealed in Soul Sacrifice
New monster information and back story on Leviathan, as well as Ghost Mode revealed in Soul Sacrifice.
Ni no Kuni Demo Announced
Namco Bandai is stepping it up a notch.
Retro Wrap-Up: Final Fantasy Edition
Time to take to the air.
RUMOR: Is “All The Bravest” our Bravely Default: Flying Fairy?
We are really hoping so…
CAMPAIGN HUB: We Desire Breath of Fire: Mass-posting on Capcom’s Pages NOW [UPDATE]
Tomorrow, Dec. 1, 2012 kicks off the campaign to renew interest in the Breath of Fire series and show Capcom that fans would love to see a sequel to the resting IP.
50 New Screenshots for Shin Megami Tensei IV
Samurai in Medieval times?
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Headed to Consoles
Open the trapdoor once again.
Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade Flying Towards North American Shores
What better way to celebrate the franchise’s 25th Anniversary than with a mobile social game?
Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney Launch Trailer Released
Capcom releases a launch trailer in celebration of Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney’s official release in Japan.
CAMPAIGN HUB: Senran International Academy: Senran Kagura 101
The Senran International Academy is a fan community working toward getting the Senran Kagura games released in English as well as localized worldwide.
Sega Patches NiGHTS into Dreams HD with Smoother Control
Controls that reflect the original more accurately.
Pier Solar HD Reaches Kickstarter Goal, Adds Wii U Stretch Goal
Android and OUYA support could also come as well.
Sega Announces Anarchy Reigns Soundtrack
The wait is almost over!
Dynasty Warriors 7: Empires to be Released on PSN for North America
Dynasty Warriors 7: Empires gets a different release date for North America.
Mutant Mudds Deluxe Coming to Wii U Q1 2013
If praise for the game hasn’t been enough to convince you to buy it yet, perhaps high-definition visuals will.